
Sunday 8 February 2015

Here's Johnny!

(This is an old post that I am recycling for the sake of the #BigFatLinky but to be clear it hasn't changed at all!)
Today’s post is a bit more of a fun Parent rant.
For all my regular readers you will know that I spend all of my day with the Boys; For those new to this blog you would need to know that I am a Stay at Home Dad who also Home School’s the Boy’s. (If we are being technical; I Home school my eldest in the mornings whilst my youngest is at nursery and in the afternoon we three explore topics, loosely based on our Home school themes)
So, for me, my only real time to myself, like many of you, is in the evening when the Boys are asleep.
There is though, however, one moment, or more, during the day that I am able to sit and or at least get 2 minutes rest.
Sorry to be so blatant; it is when I am on the toilet.
My parent rant is this then:
Why is it the very second that I sit down, or even enter the toilet, that the toilet door is either opened, where I will find a little face squeezing through, or, there is a sudden tapping at the door; Often with a repeated tone of “Daddy…”
In reality I do a numerous amount of things; clean, tidy and cook to name a few. Yet when I am doing these tasks my beautiful children are quite happy to sit and play or continue with the activity that they are doing; despite me being in the room or not.
So why is it that very second when the toilet door is closed that the interruption suddenly begins?
It completely baffles me.
I have tried Googling combinations of sentences to find the answer but there is nothing. Not even another post or link to someone asking this very question.
For me that brief second is filled with dread as I know that any moment, like in any good horror film, the continuation of anticipation lingers before the door is wedged open or the tap, tap, tap begins; With, or without, a "Here's Johnny" (Or insert Childs name)
(This has now become far worse as I cant even lock the door, I have a turn lock, which if fiddled with enough on the outside opens anyway!)
I know that I was told years ago, before I even had William, that my life would never be the same and that ‘my’ time will become completely attached to my child. In truth I always just assumed that this was when they were babies. Obviously I have seen parents have that discussion “My baby can now do this…..I don’t even feel I can leave them when I go to the toilet” yet I thought by now that it would have stopped.
Does anyone else go through this?

Or do I just have either a: Two very curious and investigative Boys, or, b: Two Boys who really do not understand the boundaries of personal space?


  1. This is why I stopped shutting the toilet door when its just the 2 of us in the house, the door opens means no mystery and no need to bother mummy!!

    1. Oh I did that for ages but they come and sit with me! Lol I don't mind too much but I would like 5mins of some privacy.

  2. I thought u meant me when I read the title, haha! I love waving at J when I'm on the loo as he wants at the bottom of the stairs for me. I can imagine as he gets older the novelty will wear off though....

    1. Lol I know you're my creepy stalker but I hope you don't watch me when I'm on the loo! ;-)
      Maybe the novelty will wear off with J I hope he does for your sake but William is almost 6. He still does this occasionally although James is the worst!

  3. One of the universal truths of having kids - They want to be there when you poop!

    1. Thanks for commenting Ashley. Ha I know but it's soo frustrating lol

  4. Ha! This happens to me all the time. Drives me crazy. I give them a speech before I go it "I'm going into the bathroom, don't you dare come bother me. Etc etc" It works about half the time. I did write about it once along with other bizarre kid behavior that perplex me.

    1. Ha am glad its not only me! I'll usually either do the same as you or try to sneak in. Either way they just "know "
      I'll check your post out later once the boys are in bed. Thanks for commenting

  5. OMG I can relate! I must admit I leave my door half open and as soon as my daughter hears the tinkle I can hear her drop what she is doing and bound in! She then wants to touch the toilet seat etc! I have to put Peppa on for the other one!! aww don't you love them? xx

  6. Ha!! Well it is definitely reassuring to know that its not just the boys that do this!! It doesn't matter if the door is open or shut the response is the same! Creepy children....when theyre my age I'm going to go crazy and just do it to them. Seems only fair!

  7. This is too funny! I am currently pregnant with my first and have been warned that I should enjoy my personal space while I still have it for this exact reason! Something to look forward to I suppose? Haha!

    1. Ha well I'm pleased you've found it funny! Erm.....something to look forward too....yeah let's stick with that! ;-)

  8. haha, I think this is a parenting-wide problem. I find it quite hard to concentrate when my baby is yelling and hammering on the bathroom door.


  9. I am right there with you Martyn. Not literally of course, I'll leave that to your boys but in spirit. I actually don't know whether I've gone to the bathroom by myself at home in like three years. Some day maybe. #bigfatlinky

  10. OH MY GOODNESS this happens to me all the stinking time!!! I'm not even safe in the shower! It also seems the second I sit down to breath from cooking and cleaning an being a mom someone needs something...a drink, a snack, a blanket, a bear, or a random item that they have never asked for before!!! #bigfatlinky

  11. This is hilarious... and also something I can relate to! Kids idea of boundaries are quite different to ours hey! #bigfatlinky

  12. This is just standard. Hubby and I tagteam with going to the loo but when I'm alone if I haven't locked the door I'm stuffed. She is in there wanting to wash her hands or pretend to wipe her bits!!! Kids! xx #bigfatlinky

  13. Ha! Just read this to my husband; he is nodding sagely in agreement! Luckily they never bother me (the advantage to them preferring their dad!) #bigfatlinky

  14. Haha I know the feeling. I try to sneak away in the hoe that she won't notice. It sometimes works.. #bigfatlinky

  15. Oh yes! Mine are now 10 and 7, and constantly do it still ....

  16. I think they know you're sort of stuck where you are so they can torment you knowing there's not much you can do about it lol. Thanks for hosting the #bigfatlinky

  17. Brilliant post Martyn after 5 children I have learned that where you go they go our own little shadows truth is I don't mind intact it's nice except maybe the toilet but there you go privacy and children don't mix thanks for hosting :)

  18. I must have been a very lucky mother, because I am the only one I know who never had this problem.

  19. I never shut the door - I am always urgently needed lol #bigfatlinky

  20. Ah yes, the old privacy on the toilet thing. Good luck with this one. It's an issue that doesn't seem to go away as the kids get older. #BigFatLinky

  21. Yup that happens to me every stinkin' time! If I go to the toilet or make a cup of tea, it's 100% guaranteed that someone will need something as a matter of urgency! Thanks so much for hosting #bigfatlinky

  22. I remember those days... They just don't like having you out of their sight, not knowing where you are or missing out on something. It can be irritating as hell at the time but I think possibly when they don't need us for anything any longer we'll miss these things #BigFatLinky

  23. Oh I hear you!!! As the mother of 3 lovelies, I've had years of not being able to go to the toilet by myself and have kind of got used to it. I have more luck these days but was rather shocked when my husband announced about a month ago that he was feeling a bit shell shocked that he'd had the youngest in with him. I was a bit shell shocked that he'd got this far!!

  24. Same here, I can leave the door open or shut, but at least one if not both boys end up in there with me, along with toys they bring in too and then proceed to soak the toys (and each other and me) in the sink... :)

  25. My teenager still ALWAYS needs to ask me a question as soon as I sit on the loo! #BigFatLinky
