
Sunday 29 March 2015

An Afternoon Adventure

Last week we decided to go on an adventure; it was a sunny afternoon and we though that we would abandon home school and go explore our local countryside.


What boy or man doesn't like finding a secret path way along on a walk.

Between rabbit holes and cool looking rocks we didn't find anything that exciting until:

This cool tree was split in two and by the looks of the middle being burnt we thought that maybe it was struck by lightning.

This is the face of a little boy that didn't want to walk anymore but wanted a break and a chocolate roll! Who doesn't want a chocolate roll to make the day better?

We found where we were and off again we went.

We found a massive pool of water which obviously meant that our dog, Samson, should go in it!

It was a nice afternoon out; our little adventure! even if by the end of it my lovely white dog was a rather brown colour!

It's  afternoons like this that make me love being a Dad. 



  1. A great adventure! We love exploring too, it's great when you find unexpected things on a walk. :-)

    1. Thanks for commenting! The boys absolutely love it. It's always a nice trip out especially when the weather is nice.

  2. This looks great! Samson is gorgeous.

  3. Gorgeous, gorgeous boys, gorgeous dog and gorgeous photos. What a wonderful day. It must be so wonderful to be able to do this in 'schooltime' - kids learn so much while out and about exploring! Thanks so much for linking up with #twinklytuesday

    1. Thanks Lisa! It is; it's so quiet and peaceful. We do get the odd strange look from dog walkers questioning why two healthy boys are not at school but ultimately we don't care. It was great fun and the first sunny day we had for a while! No problem; hope to link up again soon. :)

  4. What a great adventure you guys! Looks like you both had a rad time!

    1. Thanks! We did. It was great to get out and jut explore. Man or boy that's always good!
