
Wednesday 3 June 2015

Review - Birthday Letter - International Elf Service

It was the 18th of May and it was getting late, I had spent the evening wrapping James’ birthday presents. I was tired, I spent more time rubbing my eyes that wrapping the final one and with great effort, and that last bit of tape, I was finished.

I can tell you that I haven’t felt that tired in a long time, there was only one thing that I needed to do: Lock up all the windows and doors and finally head to bed.
I went to the front door first and the moment I turned the key the door shook and I heard a loud 'woosh'.

“Come on Martyn, clearly you’re so tired that you’re starting to imagine things, do the final front windows and go to bed!”
One window shut and locked and now for the second……..

Just as I went to close the window something small and brown flew through the window, straight past me and landed on the pile of James’ presents. I stood and stared, I couldn’t believe it, whatever just happened must just show you how tired I was. I turned, finished closing the window, and went to bed.
6am quickly came round and I was greeted with the pleasant sound from James “It’s my birthday! I’m 4! I want breakfast so we can open my presents!”

I dragged myself out of bed and went into automatic dad mode.
Time for presents…..

Wait, there’s a brown envelope sitting on top of his presents. “How did that get there?!” a brief recollection flitted across my mind “No, that can’t be right I was just over tired”
James rushed through opening his presents when he came to the brown envelope.

Inside was this beautifully crafted, personalised letter from the International Elf Service.

The letter was addressed to James, with his age and birthday as well as an accompanying story of what the Elves were doing for his birthday. (They were holding a Tea Party)

This was such a fantastic letter to receive. We sat and read it together, following the excitement, magic and the slight woes that befall the Service due to one rather naughty Elf.

It brought a personalised and unique Letter to capture a 4 year olds imagination; something that didn't have to just be at Christmas.

James thoroughly enjoyed receiving it and having a twinkle in his eye once we read through it. For me it brought a little bit extra magic to a already special day. ( Which is actually something I struggle with; not sure if it's the inner teacher or just grumpy but have always missed that extra bit of fun, silly and magic)

The added personal details, including a signature, showed the pure love and attention that is given to each letter that is sent out. This is just an added bonus to the beautiful illustrations, smudge marks and ink spots that brings this to life.

The International Elf Service already produce 24 letters leading up to Christmas to send to children allowing them to find out what is happening in the North Pole; usually after they have borrowed Father Christmas' computer! 

Since then, Elfie has started producing these wonderful birthday letters; personally a great way to keep the magic alive all year round. 

(Now for all you not wanting to ruin any of this magic then I advise you click away now!)

The website offers an easy navigation, 3 separate letter designs to choose from and even easier process to completion.

If you're wanting to add that little bit of extra magic for your child's birthday then one of these letters is exactly what you would want. 

Personally after receiving such a fantastic and thoughtful idea I know exactly where I will be heading for the run up to Christmas!

If you're interested in either the Birthday or Christmas Letters then please visit them on the Links below.

Website: International Elf Service

Facebook: International Elf Service

Twitter: @IntElfService

(I was given this product for free to review. My opinions are my own and I am under no obligations to give a positive review. Please see my full disclosure at the bottom of my blog)


  1. This looks magical Martyn! Lucky James!

    1. Thanks Laura! It's such a great letter that recreates a little magic that you get at Christmas during the year!

  2. These sound great and I just love the way you've put this across, best product review post I've read in a long time. The letter looks fab, although I did have to take a double take at the signature photo - for a second there I thought the picture to the right of Elfie's name was a giant turd ;)

    1. Thanks Natalie!! I'm pleased you enjoyed it! It had to have a bit of Magic to it! It was a very magical letter to add to the day. Definitely worth getting. Haha I have to admit I saw that and have to take a second look.
