
Sunday 15 November 2015

Firework Night

I know that it is a little late in being posted but have been so busy recently that I haven't had time. Anyway, Firework Night is a big even in our household and I though that I would show you all what we get up to.
I don't celebrate Halloween, for numerous reasons, and although the Boy's do at their Mums this is the event of this season.
The Boy's and I spent the day at Home School focused on different Firework activities. We started off by going over some safety rules: How to behave around Fireworks and why they are dangerous. We also investigated into handling sparklers and why they can be dangerous too.

Both Boy's made wonderful poster but I wanted to show you James'. He drew some wonderful drawings and some really bright colours. At the bottom he wrote two words and the start of two others.
His poster says "Octopus should not play with sparklers" I think that you will agree with me that it is a very important safety message ;)
In the afternoon we made Firework pictures using black card and a variety of pastels. Both boys loved this but I think that the was mostly because they were getting messy.

By the end we had 4 finished pictures. Using a rubber William and I wrote out Bonfire Night and had them pinned up at Granddad's for everyone to see. 

In the evening the Boy's and I go to my Dads where we are joined by the neighbours and their family as well as my brothers family (there are lots of them, including in-laws) It is a great night and a real social gathering for us and the children.
With the Bonfire lit and the Guy chucked on we were ready to have some fun.

All the kids had lot's and lot's of sparklers. James especially loved them he was transfixed by them as you can see above; he thought they were amazing!


We stopped and had a break before we started the fireworks and we all enjoyed Hotdogs. I have to admit that although these were rather tacky, in my eyes, it is something that we have always done and it has become a staple tradition now for us to do them.
It was then time for the fireworks. My brother had set them up earlier in the day and he was in charge of lighting them. (Can you imagine the danger of me bending over a firework and trying to light it!! I think that would have been equally amusing and dangerous for all involved)

The photo's here of the fireworks are rather poor apart form the last one but I spent a lot of it spending time with the Boy's and enjoying it with them rather than taking hundreds of photos. I will also say that I am a terrible photographer with my phone but nonetheless here you go:

We ended the night with a bang! The final one had fireworks that sprayed from the base and then rockets shot to the air. Brilliant ending!

I absolutely love this day every year. It is a tradition to get together as a family and with extended family and friends. The children love it and so does all the adults involved. Definitely something I will be looking forward to next year too!


  1. Love the pastel pictures! I remember doing them in school and they were so much fun (and a bit messy)! I need to learn how to be artistic, art is definitely not my strong point - was never considered an important part of school by my parents, all about academia. Interestingly I now want Oliver to be interested in music and art haha.

    1. Thank you! It's an easy and creative lesson for them! Ha! It's funny how you change the perception on it when you have your own children.
