
Tuesday 19 July 2016

Quiz - Week 1

As many of you know I host a quiz night every Monday at a local pub. It is always great fun and I not only enjoy the atmosphere but it is also great to get out, socialise and stretch some brain cells.

Most Monday afternoons, around 5pm, you will find that I post the weeks picture round on Twitter and now my Facebook page; I always enjoy that people on my social media like to join in and play. With this in mind and after following a few peoples suggestions I thought I would start sharing the quiz here each week too!

It is quite simple:

There are 6 Question rounds of a variety of content containing 5 questions. Some of these questions hold multiple points so watch out for those! As well as a 10 point picture round that I mentioned above.

At the end of the quiz determine which round that you want to play your "Joker" on and this allows you to double the points for that round.

Then on Friday I will be post the answers on my Facebook page. Then, if you want, you can come back to this post via the link and comment what your weekly score is!

So here it is!

Quiz - Week 1

1. 70s

1. Which Apollo mission, intended to be the third moon landing, was aborted due to an oxygen tank exploding in April 1970?
2. Four students died and 9 others injured on May 4th 1970 when Ohio National Guard opened fire at students protesting the war in Vietnam at what event?
3. Who, not only being the only woman to hold office, won their second term as Prime minister of India in 1971?
4. Which famous theme park opened in October 1971?
5. Which film, the first of a trilogy, made from the best-selling novel by Mario Puzo was released in 1972?

2. Adverts – Can you match the slogan to the comapy?

1. ‘It’s a magical place, we’re on our way there…’
2. ‘Washing machines live longer with….’
3. Who is ‘Loves the jobs you hate’?
4. ‘Exceedingly good cakes’?
5. ‘it’s good to talk’?

3. Common Misconceptions

1. What colour is Mars?
2. How long do you need to wait to report a missing person?
3. In which country was the game of Chinese Checkers invented?
4. How many senses do you have?
5. What do you find inside a camels hump?

4. Disney

1. Angelina Jolie played which Disney character in the modern take on the story?
2. Which was the first full-length animated feature film to be released under the Disney name?
3. What was the first film that starred Mickey Mouse?

4. What is the name of the princess in Disney’s version of ‘Sleeping Beauty’?

5. Name 4 Animated Disney films released in the 1990’s? a Point each.

5. Animals – Male, Female & Young – Point for each

1. Elephant
2. Fox
3. Goose

4. Rabbit

5. Sheep
6. General Knowledge

1. What is the first book in the series the Chronicles of Narnia?
2. Salvador Dali’s paintings belonged to with art movement?

3. Which famous playwright also wrote under the pseudonym ‘Boz’?
4. Cecil the lion was killed in Zimbabwe in July 2015 by an American big-game hunter – what was the hunter’s name?

5. Which band was the first ever to perform on Top Of The Pops?

Bonus Question: Worth 5 points.
Name the 5 most populated countries.

Collect your answers and keep a look out on Friday! Winner takes the glory!

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