
Monday 15 August 2016

Out of the Mouth of Babes #25

This week has been very much a week of James-ism’s; one liner’s or snippets of conversations that I wanted to share with you.

Nose Bleeds

With the weather changing James seems to be over sensitive with his sinuses. I am not sure if this is a Hayfever thing or if it is a seasonal asthma response but this last week he has had several nose bleeds.
You may think that this would be a worrying situation for him but it’s not:

James: “My nose is bleeding Daddy. I love it, it’s like my nose is crying”

Being in Control

James is currently going through and extended reign of being a dictator. Everything is his way or not at all but within this he has taken possessive stance over the TV controller. Whenever something is recorded and we are watching it he has to be the one using the controls!

Me: “Advert time!”
James: “Oh, it’s okay, I’m in charge I will reforward it for you!”

Me: “It’s fastforward James”
James: “It’s not. If you have to Rewind it you have to REforward it!”

Time Travel

We like to play a game in the car where is we spot a similar car to Daddy’s we shout “Daddy’s car *insert colour*. If you spot the same model you get one point, if you spot a daddy car that is exactly the same colour you get 2 points. It is a simple game and seems, somehow, to keep the boys entertained whilst I am driving.
This time, however, William spotted an exact car just pulling in front of us and potentially would earn himself 2 points:

William: “Daddy car, blue! 2 points!”
James: “That’s not fair!”

Me: “Well it is because he spotted it first”
William: “It even has the same registration as you. It starts with LV. Do I get more points?”

James: “Wait! It looks the same, it’s blue and has the same numbers? Then that means it’s not fair!”
Me: “Why?”

James: “Cos clearly that’s us in the future”

Bedtime Problems
I am extremely lucky with the boys and their bedtime routine. Apart from when we first moved and there were some unsettled routines and feelings our bedtime is runs like clockwork similar to Von Trapp family.

The boys have their unwinding hour and once that hour is up they give me a cuddle, kiss me goodnight and they head straight to bed and are asleep within minutes.
However, we have had our friend Ben spending some time with us recently. He tends to help out on our day trips and just give me that extra hand when and where possible.

On this one occasion Ben decided to stay into the evening so we could hang out after a rather eventful day. The boys had their unwinding hour, gave me their cuddle and went off to bed; Ben and I sat, relieved after a busy day and started chatting.
Five minutes later James walks in:

James: “Look, I can hear you talking. If you want me to wake up, come and join you then fine but you are keeping me awake. Can you stop?!”
*Closes the door very loudly and walks back off to his bed”

Guess that told us then!

Little Hearts, Big Love

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