
Thursday 23 November 2017

Throwaway Thursdays #4

Here we are with another week on Throwaway Thursdays! The idea is to bring together 3 things that we don't like in something inside your house, something we do as humans and something in general and then throw them away, similar to Room 101.
Last week we featured the lovely Natalie or at least she would have been lovely if she hadn’t tried to throw me away! I am pleased to host Sassy from Thinking Out Loud – Sassy Style this week! You will probably find her drinking tea and singing badly to her Guide Dog Ida. Her blogging and life passion is to raise awareness of disabilities and make the world a more inclusive place.

I have followed and read Sassy’s blog for a while now and it is brilliant for raising awareness for what it is like to live with a disability as well as highlighting important topics to break awareness. Of course this is something that I fully support where I have tried to do similar on this blog. Therefore,  I am pleased to be featuring her this week!
Now time to see what she would Throwaway this Thursday!

1. Something inside your house. It can be the latest fad that your child/ren has, a pet peeve like homework, a toy that really annoys you or for non-parents, something of your partners!

Pairing socks

There isn't anything of my partners that I would throw away, but my biggest pet peeve is that he never pairs socks… because of my sight loss; he is in charge of sorting out the washing. I am happy to iron and put things away, but the one thing I always ask him to do is roll my socks. With thanks to Gary I now have a carrier bag full of unpaired socks… Which he is adamant that there is no pair to!
So if I had to get rid of anything, it would be his laziness and dislike of pairing socks up.

The world would be a happier place if we all wore matching socks, don't you agree?

2. Something we do as humans. It can be littering, swearing, bad driving or a really serious global issue. 


The one human thing I said I would always get rid of would have to be religion. I know that is a drastic thing to say, but let me present my argument.
Since religion began, there has been famine, torture, war and countless deaths.

As we have come to realise, where there is humanity, there is going to be angst and destruction. We as a world should not dictate to one another whose ideals and beliefs are best, how to live your life in a specific way or enact violence because of it.
Religion is about love, peace and respecting one another, but these values have been twisted, manipulated, discredited and discarded because an individual, or a group of people, declare that their way is the only way and to hell with all the rest.

If religion was white from memory, space and time, we may learn to live harmoniously, think collectively and support one another fiercely it wouldn't matter what our voices sounded like or what the colour of our skin was, we would be a team and support network even if we did it a little differently.

3. Anything you want. It would be less fun if I completely restricted you on topics. There is always something that we might want to throw away and you never know maybe others might feel exactly the same.

Fruit in things

I love fruit, a fruit salad, fruit cocktail or by itself.
So someone please explain to me why they ruined such deliciousness by putting it in other things? Fruit scones: yuck! Fruit cake: yuck! And worst of all the Hawaiian pizza!

If you're trying to be healthy then you shouldn't be eating any of those things above!
Keep the fruit in the fruit bowl and stop ruining my delicious treats!

Being a long time single and doing this single parenting malarkey I have totally forgotten what it is like to share every day chores and the annoyances that come with them! That said I can totally understand why this would be frustrating and will, of course, happily throw it away!
For many this might be a surprise but I couldn’t agree more with the second choice from Sassy. I am a man of faith and I do believe but I detest all the things associated with religion that is listed above. It doesn’t represent what I believe in and is often the route to many wrong doings! It is why I don’t do any of the things listed and am often caught correcting those who do.

I am torn with the third option. I listed fruit in my original post and its association with meat. So I am in support of that aspect but with cake? I am not sure I am support the process of cake being thrown away. It is a difficult one.
What do you think of her suggestions? Do you agree?

If you would like to find out more from Sassy then you can visit her blog here or follow her on Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant post, I loved reading Sassy's suggestions. I TOTALLY agree about religion going into room 101, I only wish I'd thought of it myself! However, the socks thing - I can't agree that the world would be a happier place if we all wore matching socks. I'm definitely happier with wearing odd socks and giving myself the option to not care! I don't agree on the fruit thing either, I'm happy with fruit in everything :)
