
Monday 21 October 2019

Mental Health and MEGAN

Since July I have been attending a new mental health support group.

MEGAN CIC is a local group in Medway, Kent.

Medway Engagement Group And Network was established in 2009 and became an independent community interest company 4 years later.

Their aim is to provide a voice for mental health users whilst providing opportunities for people who have or have had mental health issues. In their groups and sessions they allow you to share views and experiences of mental health services as well as any other service in your life.

In addition, they provide a safe and supportive opportunity for service users to share experiences and discuss issues of common concern in a relaxed and informal environment.

I first heard of them when my mental health was low and my Dependant Personality Disorder was being triggered regularly at home; there’s only so much a person can do for themselves before they reach out for help.

I knew that my D.P.D was difficult and I was struggling regulating my emotions due to the emotional instability aspect of the condition. I was at the point of needing help, I had my medication changed and reviewed but it wasn’t helping. Yet, I also knew that I wasn’t at the bad point of self-harm, emotional crisis or suicide. With it being a Personality Disorder I knew it was too complex just for talking therapies but not at the point where I need immediate attention from Psychiatric care.

I was stuck in the middle.

I spoke to the local mental health team who gave me a variety of other services. MEGAN was one of them.
On researching them they really peaked my interest. For one, I hadn’t heard of them and yet they were highly recommended. They didn’t show up on my own Google search of help but seemed to be organised to cover a variety of needs and mental health conditions.

They offered:

• Coffee & Chat Group - Every Tuesday from 10am-12pm

• Personality Disorder Peer Support Group - Every Wednesday from 10-12pm

• Schizophrenia Support Group – Every Thursday from 10-12pm

• Depression, Anxiety & Bipolar Peer Support Group - Every Thursday from 1-3pm

• Social Groups including Bowling, Lunches & Day Trips

• (NEW LAST MONTH) Board games and a Chat – Last Tuesday of the month.

The above covered a few of my mental health needs so thought, at worst, I would give them a call, have a chat and see if they could help and support me.

After chatting to one of them I felt that it was worth a go. A unique and unheard of service that covers and supports people just like me.

I attended the Personality Disorder support group. Initially it was scary. I’m not great in social situations and one where you have to talk was nerve racking.

The set up is straightforward. You turn up, sit around a table, have a drink, everyone “checks in" and discusses their week or situation and we have support staff on hand to help us through or suggest other methods or services available.

I was worried but I did it. I voiced everything we were going through and explained the situation at home. The organisers were shocked at the poor professionals practice that Social Services were providing and validated my feelings towards them and the situation.

That first week, a fellow service user, stopped after and explained his situation. The similarities were incredible but he also offered experience and hope. He squashed my worries and reassured me that I was right and doing the correct thing.

Since that first meeting I’ve been attending each week. Some weeks I have things to discuss and others I don’t. In those weeks I find just checking in is quite therapeutic. The MEGAN group also provides a handbook with tips, help and measuring techniques to help when things are harder.

I have also started their new group on the last Tuesday  of the month. They’re meeting in a board game cafe and we get to turn up, get a cuppa and play a game. We don’t have to talk about our issues because just being there is enough.

Having this service and group available when I was struggling helped me regulate my emotions when I found it difficult to do it by myself.

When we had vindication and had our entire case turned round they were my supporters and were pleased that the real truth came out eventually and celebrated with me.

I may be back to a good stability but that doesn’t  mean I will stop going. When you have a mental illness it is difficult to access any support which makes your whole situation feel worse. Yet, good or bad, having a place to go with like minded people who understand and who don’t judge you  is an amazing thing.

Just shows that sometimes it’s worth pushing and fighting when you’re struggling as you may find something positive. Please check them out!

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