Monday 16 February 2015

Pancake Party

Our Church is one that likes to hold events throughout the year. If you follow the blog then you would have seen a post showing that we held an event to remember the 100 years start of World War 1.

With Pancake Day tomorrow we centred a family orientated service and held a Pancake community event after.

This was great; the children all took part in pancake races which was great fun.

William was up first:

This was a child who was focused; William was never a competitive child until last year. He has always been so laid back to not care if he won or lost. Last year, however, whilst in school, he took part in  his first sports day. His first race he didn't care but after seeing the cheering and applause he suddenly changed for the other races. (Which he won with great pleasure to us all)

So the race was off:


As you can see his competitive attitude was working and he was in the lead!

Well until:

His over flipping ended up with him dropping his pancake. Subsequently he came in last.

This is the look of a child who, although was told that he did well and it was the taking part that mattered, was not happy that he came in last.

James' turn was up next:

Focusing on the finish line; I have no idea where they have got their competitive nature from. I am extremely competitive but saying that I don't encourage it with the Boys, so who knows where they have got it from.


As you can see James was off and what a start! He was also the only child in his age range that didn't have parental help. What a star!

The face of the winner:


And the face of one who is fed up being a blogging child who has to endure lots of photos!

Great races and a lot of fun for all involved.

As we do at these events; we served food for all. This event had some lovely homemade soup and after some pancakes.



The Boys loved their Soup even if it was filled with disappointment and over confidence!

Then is was time for Pancakes!!

Anyone else struggling to see any children in this picture? Well apart from some big kids!

I actually didn't get in photos of the Boys eating their pancakes.....probably no surprise but they didn't last long enough for me to whip my phone out!

I love our church family and these community events. Every one we have had has always been filled with fun is always a great afternoon for all. And lets be honest who would turn down a Pancake party?


Unknown said...

Looks like u all had a fab time mate

Unknown said...

Looks like u all had a fab time mate

Unknown said...

Looks like a great event! I love when you feel a real sense of community x

Martyn Kitney said...

It was a really good time. We all, especially the boys, enjoyed it.

Martyn Kitney said...

It was great! That's the thing about these events there is a great sense of community and friendship.

Ashley Beolens said...

Looks like you all had a great, fun , time.

Martyn Kitney said...

Definitely did. Can't go wrong when there is pancakes involved.

Katy (What Katy Said) said...

Aw, bless him dropping his pancake! At least they all got to eat some at the end!

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks for commenting Katy! I know, he really wasn't happy with dropping it especially as he was winning. But they both enjoyed the rest of it especially the pancakes!

Ally Messed Up Mum said...

Why would u have pancake races and waste them?? *tuts* lol! Looks ace buddy chum :) x

Martyn Kitney said...

They weren't the nice ones just the cheap testosterone kind so it's ok. We ate the nice ones. Lol was fun though

Moderate Mum said...

Lovely attributes to have in children - a competitive nature and humiity in defeat (and success!). Looked like an awesome day.

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks for commenting! They loved it and it was a lovely day :-)