
Saturday 7 March 2015

Big Fat Linky of the Week 7/3/15 #5


Welcome to The Dad Network's Big Fat Linky of the Week #bigfatlinky

Yet again, we've been staggered by the amount of amazing bloggers linking up.

We had a great week reading some amazing posts by you guys. It's brilliant to see new people linking up too! If you have any feedback for us, then please don't hesitate to pop us an email via the 'contact' page or drop me a comment at the bottom :-)

Anyway, The Big Fat Linky of the Week, co-hosted with my good friend Al over at The Dad Network, gives you the opportunity to share recently written posts or any old corkers you have hidden away in your treasure chest.

It could be a post that you want to share with a wider audience, or one that is particularly special to you or just one of your many fantastic pieces of literature!

We're not precious about what you link up as long as it's a good read.

Remember, we'll be here each week for you to link up your great blogposts.

This week's post, from Al, is one dear to his heart. If you have followed the blog, you'll know that his boy has been a terrible sleeper... Until they met a wonderful lady called Jo Tantum who saved them! This post is all about their story from the brink of dying from sleep depravity to a world where ZZZZZ's are normal again!

My post this week has left me torn; I have had in mind two posts so being the greedy chap that I am I am submitting them both. (But don't feel that you need to read an comment on both either)

My First is a special post as it was the first one that really brought other parent bloggers to me. It stood out somehow and reached a larger market of people and said "Here's Martyn"
My Second is a new post; this post highlights a difficult week for me personally but it is one that I wanted to bring forward to a wider audience. There are clear gaps in the Mental Health system and its one that is letting many people, like myself, down with.

So, I'm sure you know what to do, but if not, here's some rules, guidance & general etiquette: (Please remember to comment on a few other posts and add the badge to your linked post too.)

#1 Write to your hearts content & link it up or link an existing post, just remember to add the badge below or link back to The Dad Network :)

#2 Add your link by using the commonly found (& convenient) linky button. That will add your image and link to this post.

#3 Leave a comment on the hosts main blog post and on a few other links that tickle your fancy.
#4 Don't forget to tweet about it! #bigfatlinky

The Dad Network

P.s I'm always happy to retweet your URL so send us a tweet once you've linked up - @thedadnetworkuk or myself @mr_kitney & remember #bigfatlinky


  1. Wow, great to see this linky doing so well so quickly!
    Don't forget to join in with the Weekend Blog Hop too! Have a great weekend

    1. Thanks Vicky. I'm still shocked at the response. Am very pleased and proud that it's going so well. I'll make sure I'm joining the blog hop too.

  2. Linking up for the first time with a post about my husband's balls. Yep, you read that right. (Seriously though, it's an important one!)

    1. Bit behind on the reading bit will catch up tomorrow. Looking forward to reading yours. Thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky
