
Monday 9 March 2015

Week 3 on the #40Daybloggingchallenge

As most of you know who have been following my blog will know that this last week has been a rather difficult one for me personally. However; this didn't once stop me from trying to spread so positivity to others and definitely wasn't going to stop my Lent challenge. So here's this weeks round up:

Day 10
First day of the week and I went and visited a Dad blogger Mike over at Sunshine Dad

Mike is a great Dad blogger; he blogs about all things parenting and although I am starting to become aware of how many dad bloggers there are out there it’s refreshing to still see some like Mike that have a clear foothold in it. His posts are very similar to mine; it’s like minded bloggers like him that make me feel happy to do what I am doing. The best bit of all though is to know how much of a nice guy he is!! He has reached out to me and shown me kindness one thing that I know he would show others!
Day 11
This day featured Ellen over at El and Baby A
Ellen was actually one of the first parent bloggers to ever comment on my blog! I have always therefore shown a little favouritism to her and her blog; the truth is though that she deserves every ounce of it. Her blog is vibrant and engaging; her parenting posts are great and the moments she captures through photos or her writing clearly stand out. I personally love posts that show her humour (like her “how to speak Irish” post) More recently she has taken to writing a very personal journey that is incredibly beautiful to follow. (Won’t tell you what about I’ll let you see) She is an all rounded great blogger who always makes time to read and comment.
Day 12
This day is a special one because it features two bloggers Zoe and Ashley over at When the Dust Settles
This amazing husband and wife team share the blogging responsibility when writing posts but in all honesty its Ashley that I have gotten to know through dad blogging groups. Their blog is full of interesting posts about locations and visits that they have experienced and recommend to others. The parenting posts are fantastic and I especially enjoy the one that highlights their relationship with their children (The post by Ashley discussing his relationship with his daughter is a fantastic read) Again, like most of my bloggers I feature they are fantastic at reading and commenting on your blog; they make time to take a vested interest in you and what is going on in your life. Something I truly appreciate. (On a side note Ashley also runs a nature and wildlife blog; if you get a chance check that out too his photos are truly breath-taking!)
Day 13
This day featured Sophia over at The Trouble Twins
This is a blogger that not many people would have heard of which for me is one of the reasons why I wanted to feature her; I think her blog is one that should get attention and be read by many. She blogs about all things mummy related. Sophia is a single 23 year old mum to twin girls Lux and Indy and to be honest I have no idea how she copes but she does. Her posts are always filled with positivity, something, I feel, comes through with her through her writing and chatting on Twitter. I have taken the time to read her great posts as well as tweeting her and it’s a decision that I have never doubted. I would suggest that you all do the same! The best part though is she’s a Kentish lass so it’s always nice to find someone in blogging who is fairly local to me!
Day 14
Then this final day I chose Maz over at Maz Shack (#2). She is another, fairly, unknown blogger in many ways but she was brought to my attention by Natalie over at Plutonium Sox as she felt that I would be interested in her blog…..and boy was she right!! Maz blogs about most Mum things but you will see her posts revolving around her Home School journey feature heavily. Obviously this was a natural connection for me (to be honest she is the only other home schooling blogger that I have come across) Her posts are full with great example of how to turn activities in to an educational journey. If you are one who has enjoyed our journey then you must check her and her blog out because she really shows you how Home school can be! Her blog is definitely an inspiration for me!

Hope you like this week’s round up; these blogger are all different and all have fantastic reason s to follow or just start reading their blog. Take time to tweet them some love too if you can!
(and yes I know I am still one day behind still!! can I class Zoe and Ashley as two or is that a get out?)


  1. Wow, totally touched :) I'll checkout the ones that are not me as well :)

    1. No problem Ashley. My pleasure too! Definitely do. There are some great bloggers featuring each week. This week including ones not many might have heard of

  2. I just love you doing this - I'm checking back regularly to add to my reading list!! :)

    1. Thanks. I'm really pleased with the response from everyone with it. Especially how it's helping others to find blogs out!
