
Monday 14 September 2015

Out of the Mouth of Babes #10

Now I know it has been a while since I posted our Monday feature "Out of the Mouth of Babes" but between it being a miserable summer holidays here and a lack of routine the boys haven't actually come out with anything that I felt was post worthy.

Luckily, Home school is back and routine is restored and because of that it naturally came back.

This week we are concentrated on the things that James has pointed out.

With the evenings becoming milder James' Asthma has been playing up, subsequently he has started to have a cough.

James was mid coughing and then made a strange noise; this followed with him laughing quite loudly.

Me: "What are you laughing at?"
James: "Me. I was coughing and then I sneezed in the middle."
Me: "OK, did it feel funny and make you laugh?"
James: "No, it's just that I was Scoughing"
Me: "Scoughing??"
James: "Yes Daddy, when you cough and sneeze at the same time. You're Scoughing"

Now, I have never heard of this but I thought it made perfect sense really.

The next three have come out of our Home school lessons this week; James' first week doing it too!

We decided that we would learn about the Queen considering that she celebrated the fact that she was the longest reigning Monarch.

James decided that he would draw the Queens bed. He then coloured it in Pink.

Me: "Aw, that is lovely James. Do you think that the Queen would like a Pink bed?"
James: "I think the Queen fancies a bit of Pink"

(A little context here. He has a slight speech impediment normally. Yet, at this exact moment, very clearly, in a rather posh sounding voice, said the above. It felt very much that he should have ended it with a "wot wot, old chum")

Despite this I do like to think that the Queen does "fancy a bit of Pink", What do you think?

Completing our Numeracy activity came these two:

We spoke about the pictures, we examined and pronounced each word and focused on the starting phonic sound.

Me: "James, Which one is the odd one out?"
James: "Ball."
Me: "Why Ball?"
James: "Because the other two are animals"

Well he wasn't wrong in deciphering that. Maybe the book was wrong?

A few questions below and we found this:

Me: "James, which one is the odd one out?"
James: "The Mouse"
Me: "Why the Mouse?"
James: "Because we don't eat mouse"

I would like to take this opportunity to say that neither myself, or apparently his Mum, have never fed the boys Monkey's!

Little Hearts, Big Love


  1. 'Scoughing' is my favourite one! #ftmob

    1. Haha it is a good one. Will remember tht in the future!

  2. Scoughing makes perfect sense! Very clever of James!
    heheh! These made me chuckle....

  3. Scoughing is a brilliant word - I'm going to add that one to my vocabulary - well done James! The Queen fancying a bit of Pink made me chuckle and you can't argue with James' logic over choosing the ball as the odd one out - even if it wasn't quite the answer you were looking for. Not so sure about his logic with 'mouse' though! Thanks for linking up with #ftmob :-)

    1. That's ok. Thanks for hosting. His logic especially with words specifically are always good. Although he did slightly fail with his last question :')

  4. Thanks Kim! It did make perfect sense as does a lot he comes out with.

  5. Scoughing is awesome, it should be a word!
    I love how cute it is when they say something so serious and it's funny.
    And you are right, can't fault his logic about the ball!
