Sunday 30 October 2016

How to run a Giveaway with Rafflecopter

I have been asked three times this week by bloggers about how to run a giveaway and although I am more than happy to share I thought it might be more beneficial if I wrote a "how to" post up.
There are a few things that I would suggest first!
Make sure that you not only have a clear disclosure on your blog (mine is found in desktop view at the bottom of the blog) and make sure you have a clear page where you put your regulations and rules for entering a competition/giveaway. (You can find mine here.)
Once these are in place you can start at looking to rub a giveaway!
There are several options for running a giveaway but I personally enjoy using Rafflecopter. I know quite a few bloggers use it and for me makes running and entering a giveaway incredibly easy.
The different criteria that applicants can enter, the options for a random winner, the complete list of applicants and an easy access website dashboard makes it an easy choice option.
1. Creating a Rafflecopter account.
Visit Rafflecopter and follow the online prompts to signing up and create yourself an account. Once you have access then log in.
2. Create a Giveaway
You will see in the top left corner a white box and underneath a "New Giveaway" click and start the process.

3 Create an engaging title!

This is probably the mist basic point but I think it is an important one. Each competition will allow you to create a title of what you are giving away and in doing so make it sparkle! You don't need to over sell it but just putting "Colouring Pencils" will always be rather boring. Be specific, engaging and use the brand name "A hundred multi-coloured pencil set by BIC"; makes the product shine and show the company off (you never know if they check!)
4. Entry options
You can have multiple entry options with Rafflecopter and specialise the competition to suit you and the brand. I usually have a minimum 5 entry points: Visiting my Facebook page, tweeting a message, following me on Twitter, following on Instagram and leaving a comment on the blog post.
I usually ask the client if they want entry points too. This is usually a following on Twitter or visiting their page on Facebook.
Ideally having more entry points the better the scenario. You at least help the people entering believe they have more opportunity to win with more points.
5. Personalising the entry points
Each entry has a point value between 1 - 5 and can be seen by those who enter. I personally customise these but you may wish to do something different.
As seen below, you only need to put your link in and select an entry point. Although in the past I have gained new likes to my Facebook page I find most people just follow the link and like a post rather than the page and subsequently only give this a low entry value.

Tweeting a Message

This is the time to shine. In all of the Giveaways I have run I have included the company @ tag. I make the tweet sound exciting and put it at a high value and with that tick the option to allow people to enter each day.

Now this might come across as spam for the company involved but I see this as a positive thing for the company. They will see the value of working with you by the interactions that you get and will se that people will be taking part every day that it is open and not just the one day!

Following on Twitter

Again, this is quite straightforward. Enter your tag and include it at a standard point value as seen below. You can create 2 of these, one of you and one for the client.
Following on Instagram

Now this isn't a standard option on Rafflecopter but it is easy to set up. There should be an option to add an entry, click on there and create the title, add a description on what you want the people to do and tick the "collect info" option and request their user name. This is great way to check if people have qualified through it and will help build your following too!

Leaving a Comment
Everyone likes a comment on their post and so will the brand you are working with. I always assume that the PR will check my post and with that they will see the value of working with you when you have great interactions.
Rafflecopter will give you this option to do this so try and make this option a question to be answered! In most cases I try to make it relevant to the product that you are trying to giveaway.

6.  Setting the dates

Now, this might sound simple but I have made a few mistakes in doing this. The start date and time should obviously be the time that the post goes live but be careful of the time that it ends. If it ends on Sunday at midnight I usually put it as Monday 12 am.

I have made the mistake before of clicking it almost 24 hours earlier that it should have been! Simple mistake to make but try not to make it!
7. Embedding the Code
Once you have chosen the entry points and then set the date there will be the option to preview and install.
Following that you will get to the below page. Copy the code provided and then enter it within your HTML post edit of your review/giveaway.
This will usually create a visibly giveaway box.

8. Picking the Winner
All you have to do is now wait for your competition to run its time and you are ready to choose a winner. Rafflecopter will email you 24 hours before and once the giveaway is over.
To choose the winner couldn't be simpler. Click on entries and then the button that says "pick a random winner". Rafflecopter will pick one of the entries.
If you want to check that the winner is qualified of disqualified then you have the option to moderate entries. I tend to do a quick check and in the time of taking part in giveaways I have only had to disqualify one entry.

All you will need to do now is announce the winner; usually I add the winner onto the blog post as well as tweeting or sending them a Facebook message.

These simple steps are easy to follow and make it easy to use Rafflecopter and run a giveaway in the best way possible. There are, of course, other ways to run competitions and giveaways but this is just mine.

What do you think? Easy to follow? Already use it, have I missed anything?


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