Thursday 16 November 2017

Throwaway Thursdays #3


Here we are with another week on Throwaway Thursdays! The idea is to bring together 3 things that we don't like in something inside your house, something we do as humans and something in general and then throw them away, similar to Room 101.
Last week we featured the lovely Hannah. I am pleased to host Natalie from Plutonium Sox this week! Natalie is a Parent, Lifestyle and Travel blogger and an eternal pain  in my side. Along with being a Freelance writer Nat is also a Mum to two girls aged 3 and 5; not including mum to her two beautiful dogs!

I have followed and read Nat's blog for a few years now and it is one of my favourites so I am pleased to be featuring her this week!
Now time to see what she would Throwaway this Thursday!

1. Something inside your house. It can be the latest fad that your child/ren has, a pet peeve like homework, a toy that really annoys you or for non-parents, something of your partners!
Carpet Slabs
I can’t wait to throw away the ridiculous slabs of carpet that are currently on my kitchen floor. We have loads of work to do on the house, starting with rewiring and laying floors downstairs and carpets upstairs.
At the moment, we’re not in a financial position to do it, so we’re putting up with everything until we can afford it. And there really is a lot to put up with, but nothing annoys me more than those rogue carpet tiles.

2. Something we do as humans. It can be littering, swearing, bad driving or a really serious global issue.  
Destruction of the Rainforest

Oh, I’m so predictable. But of course, it would have to be the destruction of the rainforest. I hate it so much that I started a website promoting products that are free from palm oil. The greenwashing by the RSPO to lead us to believe that we can’t do without so-called “sustainable” palm oil (it’s not sustainable) makes me cross. And the fact that newspapers like the Guardian support RSPO by publishing articles funded by them makes my blood boil too. 
We don’t need palm oil, there are sensible and sustainable alternatives that can be used in most products. For example, palm oil free peanut butter is made with… peanuts. That’s it. The only disadvantage of not containing palm oil is that it separates slightly, so the manufacturers recommend that you stir it. No great hardship really, is it?

3. Anything you want. It would be less fun if I completely restricted you on topics. There is always something that we might want to throw away and you never know maybe others might feel exactly the same.
Mr Kitney

Oh Martyn, that would have to be you. Firstly, you’re just there. If you’re not in my email inbox with some silly guest post series, you’re on my twitter feed, or messaging me on Facebook. I’ve only actually met you twice but I feel like I’ve known you since the dawn of time.
Secondly, you’re just good at things. All the things I’d like to be good at. I can play a few musical instruments badly. Martyn can play every instrument in the orchestra and several others beside to virtuoso standard. I attempt to draw something and produce a stickman on speed, whilst Martyn sits down for 5 minutes and produces a Picasso.
I spend hours slaving away on my blog and social media, churning out utter tripe that nobody wants to read whilst Martyn sneakily shows up as #1 dad blogger on the face of the earth because he’s just bloody good at it. Don’t you just hate people like that?
And thirdly. I’m insanely jealous of this high achieving genius, so I focus all my efforts on trolling him mercilessly on all the social media platforms he stalks me on. And he takes it all in good humour, because he’s an all-round nice bloke as well.
Get in room 101 Martyn, it’s where you belong.

I love most of Natalie’s suggestions for what to throwaway!

I can totally see why Natalie would want to throwaway the carpet slabs in the kitchen. Having on going DIY and improvement projects can always be a nightmare to live with!

I have always felt strongly about the destruction on the rainforest but since following, reading articles by Nat and chatting to her (or more like educated by her) I have realised that there was so much that I didn't know and still used, unnecessarily, within my life. I think it is something that should really be changed!

I don't think I could throwaway option 3 though, despite being well argued! Who would the internet troll then? But 2 out of 3 options I can back! 

What do you think of her suggestions? Do you agree?

If you would like to find out more from Natalie then you can visit her blog here or follow her on Twitter.


Tracey Abrahams said...

Ha, I totally love the idea of throwing you im room 101. Genius move from Nat.

Alan said...

No you can't put Mr K in as I'd have no one to troll then. said...

Haha I love the fact that there's one comment in favour of putting you in Room 101, and one against it purely because Alan doesn't like the idea of having nobody to troll! Thanks for featuring me.

Hannah said...

Great!I want to learn about the palm oil after watching the video with the orangutan. I struggle because I'm free from a lot of out foods contain the palm oil I'm starting to notice.
Those carpet tiles sound horrid! I'm not surprised they're on the list.
Surprise surprise, I couldn't send the wonderful Mr K to room 101. Or maybe we could throw both ourselves in and make room 101 love nest hahahaha xx

Natalie Streets said...

As always, us Natalie's agree!! Haha. I totally feel for you with the DIY, you know that I am passionate about palm oil too (fyi Oliver is loving Meridian cocoa peanut butter with coconut and honey, definitely give it a try, he's stopped asking for nutella!!)
And well, Mr K... Nuff said really haha xx