The picture of William above is generally how he is. He is a
happy, sensitive, inquisitive, hilarious, clever and caring. However, he still
is a boy; he will be cheeky, annoying, make frustratingly silly noises and will
be as mischievous as he can get away with. He is, in many ways, a typical 7
year old boy.
But, just for this moment, let’s concentrate on the good
aspects listed above.
I love both my boys; there is no denying that they equally
bring so much joy into my life and I love them equally for that reason. Yet,
William is very much like me; we share similar interests, humour and
characteristics that almost makes him a mini me.
This post, therefore, is a hard one to write because the happy
and loving boy shown above broke down, cried his eyes out and broke my heart in
doing so.
These last few months I have seen an angry and upset side of
him and to be completely honest it is hard to watch and cope with. Something
clearly was upsetting him and his only way around it was to lash out at
To start with it was James. James seemed to become William’s
personal punch and the idea of the strong rooted brotherly love started to fade
at times. Both his mum and I believed that it was to do with their personal
space and decided to create some one on one time; which, up to the last 2 weeks
has been working perfectly.
Yet, something would happen and William would snap. He would
literally go from happy to hulk in a nanosecond and his one target was James.
He wanted to hurt him, destroy him almost; if he could act out the pain he was
feeling then all, for him at least, would be okay.
Obviously I couldn’t allow this and on the times I tried to
stop him he would physically assault me. Punch, kick, throw objects and even
pull or push me over; although this is nowhere “ok” it was safer and better
than him doing it to James. It was clear that William had a problem and it
needed some resolution.
What also became apparent is that these outbursts only
happened when he knew he was heading back to his Mums. Could this be the
Luckily, the boys mum and I both have a good co-parentingrelationship and once we put our own problems aside we both became better
parents and worked together. Every step of the way I communicated with her and
we, as well as we could, tried to help figure out what was going on.
Then there was Thursday. It happened again, he was going for
James and I had to intervene and stop him. This time, however, he broke down
and cried and opened up to me.
He told me how he struggles with James and with that how he
feels that James gets away with more stuff than he does. He feels like he is
always being told off at mummy’s and that he is always being shouted at.
I sat, I listened and my heart broke.
I know the pain because I have moments when I have got cross
and snapped at him and even shouted at him. I always hate that I do but
sometimes it happens and I always feel like a terrible parent for doing it. I
instantly regret it but it happens. I also could relate to why it might happen
at his mums too, after all, we are both walking the same parenting path with,
at times, two quite challenging children.
Then that single parent conversation happened. He then said
he wanted to stay with me and not his mum; he said it would mean that he wouldn’t
have to be around James all the time.
Again, I sat, I listened and my heart went out to him. I
spoke for such a long time about how much mummy, S and James love him. We spoke
about reactions and consequences to our actions and how to best deal with them
but underneath it all I could see his pain.
It is such a hard thing to hear and I knew it would be a
tough conversation to have with his mum but, as mentioned above, I knew we
could talk about it.
After that long and rather difficult conversation I could
see how hard it was for her too; I am not sure how easily I would have taken
hearing that! She obviously could see his pain as much as I could but, what
could we do?After some time we came to the conclusion that maybe William should have some extra time with me and the days where we have the one to one time should be extended to an extra afternoon and evening. This would echo for James’ days.
I have no idea if it will actually work or not but I am
hoping that it will show that we have listened to him and trying to respect his
views too.
I really hope it does. I just want my happy little guy back.
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