
Sunday 26 July 2015

Ten Lessons I have learnt in July

The lovely Stevie hosts the wonderful Ten Things linky.

I really love the concept of finding Ten Things to be positive for, especially if the month has been a rather rubbish one.
July hasn’t turned out to be one of my best months this year so trying to look over it and list the positives have been rather difficult.

Instead though I have decided to list Ten Things that I have learnt from the good and the bad; hopefully to keep the positive vibe.

1. My Feelings are real
This is a great lesson for me to learn this month. It is easy, at times, to look at situations and worry if I am responding to circumstances because of my D.P.D. However, I have noticed that a lot of my feelings are “normal” to how anyone would be reacting. My feelings are real and I own that.

2. I wear my heart openly
There have been moments this month, as some of you may have seen, where I have felt like the “Bad Guy”. It didn’t matter how nice I had been there was always something that seemingly went wrong. However, I know that I wear my heart openly and on the whole this makes me the loving and caring person that I am.

3. Moving is stressful but doesn’t last long
Now, this might sound like a moan but it really isn’t. I have officially moved into my flat this month and although this has been an added stress it has also showen me that after that stress is over I have MY own space. Moving can definitely be stressful but once you’ve got past the worst of it then it only gets better.

4. Being Single isn’t the end
Yes, I am single and I am still rather gutted about it but that doesn’t mean that it is the end. I met a lovely young lady who took an interest in me; something that rarely happens. It started off well but just a shame that it ended. The real lesson in this is that someone wanted to get to know me for me and in the dating environment, so I am sure someone else will, in time and when I am ready.

5. I am clearer in my mind about dating
I have always had certain rules when it comes to dating and to be honest it is probably why I was single for over 2 years. I stuck to my rules religiously. However, this time round I didn’t. The lady seemed different to anyone that I had ever met; which I still stand by. But I didn’t stick to my rules and went with the phrase “What rules?” Those rules were there for a reason and maybe I need to make sure that I have a clear reminder to why I have them.

6. My Blogging Friends do really care about me
Now I know when I talk about my Blogging friends I always mention Ally, well this time I won’t (not for any bad reasons though).

There have been a lot of you that have had my back the last couple of weeks and have shown me love and support. All of this just shows what a great community we have. So here’s a quick list of you fabulous people (Sorry if I miss anyone, just give me a shout if I have)
Natalie, Sarah, Michaela, Stevie, Alan, Al, Laura, Elfie, Ryan, Andrea, VickiCraig, Jen, ClaireHecticDad and Harps.

7. I can talk openly about my D.P.D
I have never hidden the fact that I have Mental Health problems or that it’s a personality disorder. One thing that I have never actually done is speak completely openly about it. Yet, against my fears I wrote a very honest and straightforward post about it here.

8. Self-Care is important
One thing that I have strongly been practicing recently is self-care. This is just the act of doing something for you. I have always done things just for me but there is no better time than when you’re feeling all over the place and a little dazed than making sure you do something just for you. So I have had a cheeky MacDonald’s, bought myself a chocolate bar, read, played the piano and drawn. These things are just for me and although I wear my heart on my sleeve it is important to love yourself too.

9. My Children are my rock and my focus
This seems like a pretty obvious one that people might not think really should be a lesson but it is. In these last few weeks the boys were away on holiday for 10 days. Not having them was extremely hard but the moment I got them back I was up and focused; something that within a day to day routine you can almost take for granted.

10. Every day, only once.
This phrase is a fantastic one and it is something that I have said everyday recently. Every day something good and bad happens and within that small time frame of 24 hours a lot can happen, yet, it is the only time it will happen that way. Good or bad. Tomorrow is another day, will have other joys and other challenges. But instead of carpe diem I will say Everyday only once.

A Cornish Mum


  1. Ahh thanks Martyn - you know I have your back! I love the final phrase, such an amazing one but one that is overlooked, you can only live each day once xx

    Here is to a brighter August!

    1. Thanks Laura. Yes, I know you do and I am grateful for that. Exactly. It's a great phrase to remind yourself of, good and bad.

  2. Great post Martyn and I think probably quite therapeutic writing it! Thanks for the shout and always there if you need a chat. Onwards and upwards xxx

    1. Yes Sarah. It was difficult finding things that I loved but that doesn't mean that I didn't have likes and lessons learnt from it. As always appreciate your support.

  3. Lovely post. I find gratitude and mindfulness really important for my own sanity, and I think that echoes your list.

    1. Thanks! I agree! In general most of the list covers mindfulness. It's such an important thing to do!

  4. You are there for me as much as I am for you Mr K...I'm amazed you haven't blocked me on there during my more ranty days ;)

    You are sounding a lot more positive, and I love that! You deserve to be happy lovely,

    Stevie x

  5. A fantastic very positive lost, onwards and upwards :-)
