Friday 10 July 2015

Today I am Amazing

Ally did a fantastic post for me the other day about being my friend. She did a fab job but made a point of saying that I hide and underplay a lot of things.

I, like Ally said, don’t do this to be deceitful or even because I am proud; I do this because I don’t necessarily want people to view me as anything other than me.

A few months back I received some very negative comments about me on this blog. At the time I clearly pointed out that I am not the person that they might remember and that over the years I have grown and changed to whom I am today

That doesn’t mean that I don’t have my faults.

I am annoying and need reassurance with big life decisions. 

I question and doubt a lot. 

I am, despite my blog, rubbish at saying exactly what I mean (especially in messages) and need to be more concise. 

I can be stubborn.  

Finally, I struggle with understanding social situations between people.

Saying all of that I still believe that I’m amazing. 

I say this behind no ego at all. For anyone who really knows me will say I have exceedingly low self-esteem and confidence. So you must be confused to why I can make a contradictory statement.

Having a nervous breakdown 2 years ago was extremely humbling! It put a lot of my arrogance and self-belief to the side. In truth I had to start to find out who I was again.

I found this battle between self-esteem, DPD and who I really am.

Take my Physical health.

Muscular Dystrophy sucks. Fact.

Every single day I wake up in pain. My muscles don’t feel refreshed first thing in the morning. They ache and feel tense, EVERY muscle in my body feels like it is trapped within a clamp and by the end of the day they feel hot. This is then coupled with joint pain that goes hand in hand with what’s happening with my muscles and every joint feels like someone is pushing a large object between the two joining bones. 

This, my lovely readers, is a good day. 

Then you have my mental health.

Dependant Personality Disorder sucks. Fact.

Imagine you have someone that you love, that you’re extremely close to. Now imagine that you haven’t heard from them and you see that there has been something terrible happen in an area where you know they are. Would you worry? Would you be feeling panicked and scared? 

That exact feeling is what I feel EVERY day for everyone that I am close to; I just don’t have an event to justify it. 

I worry about what they’re thinking, if they are scared and if in that time did I do everything in my power to be ‘enough’. This is then coupled with anxiety, acceptance, self-doubt and fear (Usually the fear that something about me is pushing that person away once I have let them close)

Then sadly these two health features get blurred.

I don’t say any of this for pity. I am telling you this to open up and not hide aspects of my life.

The biggest battle is actually getting out of bed every morning. I am sure after explaining these parts that you can see why. Yet, every day I get up. Every day I do far more than what is possibly expected. Why? Ultimately neither of my health problems defines me.

So every morning I push the above to the side and be me.

I love cooking and baking (As I am sure you all know.) and without bragging I’m pretty good at it; especially my cheesecake making abilities.

I love drawing and from the feedback I have got you all seem to enjoy my drawings.

I love playing the piano. (Fairly well I assume or I wouldn’t be able to teach it)

These are aspects of me that I love but there’s also so much more. 

I am a Dad to my two boys and I try my hardest every single day to enrich their lives through Home schooling or other activities. I am a son to my father who, not many of you know, has onset dementia. I, at the moment and the last 2 years, have lived with and cared for.

Then there’s just being me. 

I am sarcastic, funny and cheeky. Yet, I also would do absolutely anything for anyone. If I can bring the slightest aspect of support, love or brightness to some one’s life then I will try. Even on Twitter; I make every effort to say thank you for follows and retweets. Why? Because there’s nothing wrong with being polite and brightening up some one’s day.

I am Martyn. I am more than just my health problems. I don’t want pity. I want true and interactions and relationships based on who I am.

I might not always get things correct in my approach but I do try to live every day being just me. The best thing about this though is through everything I have two beautiful boys and some fabulous friends, family and loved ones around me. They too see me for me and that is why, today I am amazing


Natalie Streets said...

Yes, you are bloody amazing! Fab post, loved reading this. Great to be able to see you as a whole but that you are still you and not defined by those other things, even though they are a part of you and always will be.

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Nat! I'd like to think that there's me on a whole and not defined by anything. Apart from just being me. Faults and all. And thank you. Nice to know my friends think I'm amazing ;)

Hannah said...

Great post Martyn I think we could all do with writing something like this even on a note
Book! We all have faults and struggles and we shouldn't let them define us, it's nice to read this, its nice you don't want your faults and anything else define you too. You do indeed sound amazing and strong :)

Angela Milnes said...

Why I did not come to your blog earlier martyn...I do not know! You are indeed amazing! Angela

Harps Baby Brain Memoirs said...

Wish I'd commented after reading this. I can totally relate with the DPD - although not diagnosed with it, I've become extremely attached and paranoid and suffer from separation anxiety especially when I haven't seen or heard from my loved ones. I didn't know there was an actual term for it but I've had counselling for it which didn't do much. Sorry I can't say much to help other than I totally get it. Sending you lots of warm wishes. Ps you are bloody amazing!x

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks for commenting! Thank you Angela! I have no idea either! Lol

Unknown said...

This is great! Better to be honest about both your flaws & your best bits, so that people can understand you for who you really are - but I don't think many of us are brave enough to be that open. #bigfatlinky

Unknown said...

You have to have these days Martyn where you look and think about all your positives. You put up with a LOT of crap and I can understand how it can drag you down but you do have amazing qualities: clever, kind, a good listening and conversationalist. Just keep those in mind. Lots love xx #bigfatlinky

Spectrum Mum said...

Love your honesty and you will have helped many people who share your problems! Love can get us through almost anything and your positivity is really commendable! Thanks for sharing an honest and true post and not a picture perfect (often false) view like we see on so many FB statuses. I hope you continue to find peace through your loving relationships x #bigfatlinky

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing that! Love your honesty x #bigfatlinky

Elizabeth Wander Mum said...

Of course you are amazing Martyn! Look at all that you do and have to cope with on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing your reality. #bigfatlinky

Random Musings said...

I love the honesty in this post. Self reflection is hard and sharing it publicly is even harder. I understand why you sometimes play down the MD. People have a habit of labelling and it's much nicer to be known as "the blogger" or "the funny one" or any number of other things than "the one with MD" Try to remember that how we choose to see ourselves is what matters, what other people see is just their opinion. Thanks for hosting the #bigfatlinky :)

Tubbs said...

You are officially Made of Win! You can't fake being a nice person online, people leak details of their real selves without even realising. But you come over as funny and real and remind me of Rev T. :). #bigfatlinky

Unknown said...

Yes you are amazing!!!! I suspect your list of all the things that make you amazing would be MUCH longer than mine. I think of you as Martyn the very friendly and sociable blogger who's good at zillions of things. Then occasionally you throw in a bit about MD or something and to me from this side of the screen it's a very tiny part of you. I know for you it must feel like it takes a big part of each day but it's your personality that's your currency, and a very strong one it is too :)

Unknown said...

Really great post Martyn. So open and honest about who you are and the struggles that you have and still are facing. I commend you on a job well done. #bigfatlinky

Unknown said...

Really great post Martyn. So open and honest about who you are and the struggles that you have and still are facing. I commend you on a job well done. #bigfatlinky

Sadia said...

This is wonderful. I've been through the wringer of late and have, like you, chosen to see my challenges (specifically depression and and an abusive mother) as a gift. Without those things, I wouldn't have developed the strength and coping skills to be what my children need in a mother.

Thanks for hosting #bigfatlinky. And I am sorry for all the discomfort and limitations that come with your health conditions.

Jenny Eaves said...

Sorry to hear how difficult it is coping with your conditions, but like you say you're amazing! See yourself through your children's eyes. :) #bigfatlinky

Unknown said...

What a powerful post. By the sounds of it you are a very talented and amazing man. Thank you for sharing an emotional post! :-) #bigfatlinky

West Country Dad said...

I've been lurking around your blog for a while and can definitely say that you are amazing indeed

Kim Carberry said...

You are amazing!! Thank you for sharing x

Stevie - A Cornish Mum said...

You are amazing - other than your sense of humour ;) I love how open you're being in this post and I know how hard it probably was for you to write Mr K. You cope with so much and yet you still get out of bed, you still live your life and manage to be an amazing Dad and a great friend. I'm really pleased that with this post more people know more about the battles you fight every day and can be as proud of you as I am already. Well done for opening up and can't believe I missed this post til now!

Stevie x

Something Crunchy Mummy said...

You are amazing! And so strong and I admire you for being so open #bigfatlinky xx