Monday 22 February 2016

Week 2 on #40DayBloggingChallenge

This week has flown by for me with my Lent Challenge.
I think mostly because I had a theme to it; I decided to highlight my favourite single parent bloggers and one that I haven’t read before.

Day 5
I started the week off with Vicky from Single Mother Ahoy. Vicky is a single mum who writes about a mix of different things! You can find her writing about her daughter S, crafts, activities, mundane day to day tasks to household tips, mental health and even into politics and current affairs.

The amazing thing here is that she does all of this whilst being self employed as a writer and social media trainer which she discusses on her sister site
My featured post from Vicky was 10 reasons to be happily single on Valentine’s day. This post resonated with me as I felt exactly the same this Valentines just gone.

You can follow the link above or find her on Twitter here: @singlemahoy
Day 6

Next I chose a blogger that is writing about life as a fairly new single mum. Pen writes over at The Single Swan and one thing is clear: she writes openly about issues that most might hide away from such as mediation, co-parenting, relationship breakdowns and more. In reading her posts I find that I can empathise a lot with her journey of being a single parent to her son.

My featured post from Pen is about not being ready for a stepmother in the co-parenting mix. This post was something that hit a nerve for me. There was a time when I wasn't ready for another man to be around the boys and take on a Dad role so I could completely empathise with this!

You can follow the link above or find her on Twitter here: @thesingleswan

Day 7

This day I decided to feature another newly single mum. One Single Mama thought that life would be over when her relationship ended but it didn't and even better she now writes about her life with her 1 year old boy. She is another blogger who writes it as it is, all the good and bad parts.

My featured post is the start of a new series on her blog One Boys guide to life. One single Mama was aware that she had covered some deeper and heavy posts so decided to start a series exploring life of her boy and the funny things that he has said and is doing.

You can follow the link above or find her on Twitter here: @onesinglemama84

Day 8

Well there wouldn't be a surprise in the blogger I chose next. Gary writes over at Skipahs Realm and is my go to single Dad blogger. I have followed Gary for just over a year and have witnessed his journey of being a single dad to his daughter, his custody battles and on top of that his personality and wit.

My featured post highlights the type of blogger he is. The One time I bet on Kanye shows his views on betting on stupidity, covers the latest co-parenting problem and throws it all in the mix with humour.

You can follow the link above or find him on Twitter here: @skipahsrealm

Day 9

Today I featured a blogger that, once again, I can relate to in different ways. Hannah from Hannah Spannah is another single mum that writes openly about a range of topics but I personally find empathy with this blogger as not only is she a single parent to her boy but she also has, in her words, a "few health problems". I know what it is like to do all that single parenting brings and feel flat at the end of the day because of your health.

I featured a post from her about the hard situations that co-parenting can bring. Her post candidly writes about how co-parenting has hit rock bottom. I know the low points of this journey and have been in her position before which I think a lot of single parents can relate to!

You can follow the link above or find her on Twitter here: @hannahspannahcb

Day 10

Coming the end of this lent week I wanted to feature a new blogger on the seen. Rich writes at the Owl Diaries with the blog being relaunched to feature more about family life with his daughter there isn't a lot to go on. However, I have spoken to Rich for a few months now and he is such a nice guy that I felt that he needed to be featured. I am sure there will be many great things written by him. Plus he has a beard....Not that I have beard envy ;)

I featured a recent post from his that doesn't highlight being a single parent but more the aspect of his family life. I also cannot resist reading a food related post! In this post he features his favourite Vegan Recipes which look delicious and I must try some myself!
You can follow the link above or find him on Twitter here: @iamrichhowell

That is this weeks challenge round up and I hope you like the bloggers featured. I felt it important to choose single parents as it is an extension of the blogging community that has made me feel comforted and supported in what is often a tricky parenting journey!

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