Wednesday, 24 February 2016
William turns 7!!
I can't really believe; it really feels like yesterday when we had him and I can't quite believe how fast these last 7 years have flown by.
How has this baby turned into this young man?
William was born on Pancake Day 7 years ago and it has turned into our tradition to always have Pancakes on his birthday; William loves that he has this special treat every year!
When he was born I will happily admit that I had no idea how to be a Dad! Looking back now I realise the mentally I was still so young but somehow we made it through.
It hasn't always been easy; when his Mum and I separated he took on the role as my little helper, the one who looks after me as much as I do him. We have grown together and I am thankful of that.
William has continued to be my little knight in shining armour who has shown more maturity in this last year than I could have ever imagined! I forget that he was small once and that he went through so many things because seeing him being this boy in front of me comes as a shock.
He has a brilliant, witty and slightly inappropriate humour which is always there to make me smile. His personality to care and his interest in subjets like cooking seem to be blossoming day by day.
Loving son and a great big brother; I am sure James would disagree at times but that's what makes the sibling relationship even more special!
As always, I have a special day planned for him; Dippy eggs for breakfast (his favourite), shopping for his party food (he loves doing this) presents and Pancakes.
I'll hopefully post some photos up soon. In the meantime can someone have a word with him about growing up to quickly?
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You must be so proud. He sounds like such a lovely boy!
Happy Birthday William. I hope he has a fab day x
Happy birthday William, I hope you have an amazing day. Please make sure your dad doesn't make you bake for him, you deserve a day off from being little chef of the year! ;)
Awww happy belated birthday to William! He's a little beauty! :) x
Happy birthday (belatedly) to William - I hope your pancakes were amazing
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