Tuesday 11 October 2016

Home School - Autumn Potato Leaf Prints

We are trying to cover as many crafts and activities at the moment to match our autumnal geography topic. 

When we took ourselves off on our autumn hunt and collected lots of different autumnal objects but at the same time we discussed the changing of season and the colour change that trees present with it.

One thing that stood out for me is that the boys seemed really interested in the changing of colour and I thought it would be good to explore this in a craft!

We haven't done potato printing in such a long time that I thought this would work well in making leaf prints.

I am sure we all know what to do but will give a 5 step run through anyway!

1. Get your Potatoes!

Use one large Potato and cut it in half; use more potatoes for more leaf shapes.

2. Design your leaf!

Using a needle draw and score a leaf pattern into the potato.

3. Cutting the shape 

Using the eye of the needle scoop out the middle to form a sculptured leaf shape. If you want to shape the outside use a knife to make direct lines and cut edges.

4. Paint and Print!

After discussing the different colours needed use different paints to make the prints! To save a lot of mess we use brushes to paint the potato rather than a massive dunk! Repeat this with the different colours and patterns to cover a sheet.

5. Present you work!

We are doing a lot of different activities like poems, words and pictures so wanted to produce a wall display for these and decided to use our leaf prints to create a tree. With some black wool and some blue tack we made an outline for the tree and stuck our pictures  along the branches!

The leaf print is simple, effective and quick activity for children to do. The boys absolutely loved doing it and after these attempt were discussing the different designs and colours we could do next time.

What do you guys think? Worth trying this with your children?

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