Sunday 30 November 2014


As some of you know I attend Church every Sunday.

Church is very important for me, and the boys, for lots of reasons as well as finding, in-depth, about Christianity.

I have decided then that for the next few weeks, especially on a Sunday, I will dedicate a post specifically for Church, Christianity and it's relation to Christmas. As for me I believe we wouldn't be celebrating Christmas without a fundamental understanding, even if it has been lost a little over time due to commercialism, of the truth behind Christmas.

So my first post is about Advent.

For those who don't know Advent actually starts today; Not tomorrow, although we are so use to it starting on the 1st of December because of the lots of commercial calendars that are available.

Advent starts on the Sunday which signifies four weeks until Christmas. (Four weeks? Scary that it is creeping up so quickly)

Every Sunday in Churches around the world a candle will be lit for the next four weeks, with the final, fifth, candle being lit on or close to Christmas day. (Usually to represent the light of the world being born)

What I only learnt today though is Advent actually translates from the original Latin in to "Coming". The coming of Jesus and subsequently the coming of the day of his birth as well as the holidays.

So it's official today is the day when the Coca-Cola advert is actually right and "The holidays are coming"

The boys and I do different things over Advent. We all have one Chocolate Calendar each, this year I have also purchased a toy Calendar (I didn't know they existed until this week!) In each type of Calendar we open a door counting down each day and get a treat inside (with the toy one we chose Playmobil where we get a character or a piece of scenery to create an over scene over Christmas.)

We will also have an Advent candle that we light everyday and burn down the wax for the following day. This for us is our Christian tradition to help us remember that Christmas is centralised around Jesus.

So what are you doing to count down to Christmas and 'celebrate' Advent? Do you have any traditions?

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