Wednesday 10 December 2014

Another Christmas Favourite

As I posted previously about the things we, as a family, are looking forward to this Christmas I have been happily going down my list ticking things off.

This week we ticked off Santa coming down our road.

Our local Rotary Club comes every year with Santa, who slowly drives from house to house collecting for the much deserved charity.

Last night we had them. All day I had told the boys that there was a special surprise coming that Daddy arranged especially for them. So when Santa came they rushed outside waved loads at Santa and got a wave back!

They also donated.

Their little faces were priceless and worth every second of it.

So that's another tradition completed.

Have you started ticking yours off? What have you already done?
El and Baby A


Plutonium Sox said...

Fabulous, ours used to do this but didn't do it last year. I'll have to check whether it's happening this year.x

Unknown said...

Oh that's such a great idea.. Would love to find something like this near me. Thanks for linking up :)

Mummy in the Know said...

Ahh we always did this as kids but father Christmas no longer visits before Xmas in our village. Quite gutted as would love to do this with my little Louie. X

Martyn Kitney said...

Hope they do for you we've only ever gone without A few times and usually because of the weather. It's a shame if they've stopped it in your area.

Martyn Kitney said...

No problem, love the link up.

They've done this as long as I remember loved it then and is even more special seeing it as a parent.

Martyn Kitney said...

Ah that is sad. I'd be devastated if they stopped it here. They stopped it in a local village due to some difficulties and a lot of parents wrote to the village council and the do one now and any money collected is used to go towards the village and chosen charities...maybe yours could do something similar. Thanks for commenting. ☺

Spidermummy said...

Aww cool! I had totally forgotten until I read this that the local Rotary club to us used to do the same when we were growing up, and we LOVED it!!!! Wish they came by here too!

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks for commenting Spidermummy. Do you know if they still do it? Personally it's not Christmas here without it and am so pleased that it still happens for my little ones to enjoy the magic too!

Plutonium Sox said...

I checked this evening and they seem to have stopped. Boo hiss.x