Thursday 11 December 2014

Sterotypes amongst Parents

I was going down my Facebook feed this morning and I came across two pictures both of which I wanted to share.

Sadly I have come across this attitude before. For me as a single dad I often come across many stereotypes of what single dad's are meant to be like; Dead beat dad's who have very little it interest in their children.

But in a contrast when you tell people you are a stay at home dad you get the above. It's seen as a weakness of your Manliness. The everyday chores, as well as looking after and caring for your child, is often seen as woman's work. As I've mentioned in the past;

I have also come across comments like "that's nice but no one can beat their mum looking after them, it's more in their nature"

All this being said I instantly came across another photo that made me chuckle and subsequently knock away any insecurities that I had from the previous photo;

Being a parent is one of the best gifts and pleasures I have ever had! It doesn't matter what shape or form you come in. Single Dad, Single Mum, Stay at Home Dad or a Stay at Home Mum, the fact that we care and love our child is all that matters.

What stereotypes do you come across as a parent? How have you dealt with it?

Single Parent Pessimist


Unknown said...

I absolutely love the second one! Fortunately I haven't really come across any stereotypes about my circumstances but then perhaps I just don't listen to them and ignore the negative comments.

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks, I did laugh out loud at it and found it quite relevant.
I try to brush off most negative comments just depends on the consistency.
Thanks for commenting!

Kim Carberry said...

hahaha! I love that last pic! So funny!
Before I met my fellla I was a single mother to my girl and people assumed I didn't work, lived off benefits in a council house....Not at all true! lol I took great pleasure telling them I worked and technically had my own house (my dad owned it) lol

Martyn Kitney said...

I know, it's brilliant!
I get those ones too. Does infuriate me at times. You'd think by now, in this age, stereotyping. Although sometimes when I contradict it, it makes me chuckle!

Single Parent Pessimist said...

that top pic is shocking! I admire single dads who are full time parents like any other fellow single parent, we all have to work twice as hard!
I dont like the stereotype that we all sit at home claiming benefits, I work alongside this!

Thanks for linking to #singleparentlinky hope to see you again next time!

Martyn Kitney said...

Couldn't agree more!! This poor friend of mine received another just as shocking pic tonight from the same person. It's disgusting and personally think men who mock any sahds are personally mocking sahms. Think he needs to man up and be a real man rather than mocking a stereotype. So sad and infuriating.

Thanks for your comment Claire as always. See you next time!

Natasha said...

stereotypes really annoy me but tbh anything and everything can become a "stereotype". you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don' just do what you're doing, knowing you're doing it well...the only thing that matters (I think) when you're a single parent is that your child is happy!

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks for commenting. I think you're right. Stereotypes annoy me but you are dammed if you do and dammed if you don't. I don't usually care what people say or where they put me in their minds. It'll only ever really get to me if it's a direct personal attack rather than just shoving me in a stereotype.