Monday 27 July 2015

Out of the Mouth of Babes #9

This week’s from “Out of the Mouth of Babes” comes solely from William:
Operation Stack
So we are driving along the road whilst William is watching all the cars facing in the opposite direction (luckily) stuck in a huge traffic jam.


William: “Daddy, when we went on holiday there was traffic jams just like this!”
Me: “Was there? That mustn’t have made the journey fun”
William: “They weren’t cars though Daddy, they were Lorries!”
(I now click on to what he was talking about: Operation stack)
Me: “I know, I bet there were lots!”
William: “There were lots and lots; much more than all these cars here! You know how big God is?”
Me: Yeah”
William: “Well, I would almost say as big as big as Him.”
Me: “Wow! Almost that big!”
Williams: “I don’t understand it though Daddy. The Lorries are cuing because the men who let them through because they want more money and to make sure their jobs are OK.”
(Now, I was pretty taken back by this. I mean he’s 6 years old! I must have assumed that he has over heard a conversations.)
Me: “Yeah that’s pretty much the reason. What don’t you understand?”
William: “Well if they want more money and to make sure their jobs are ok, why are they having all these days off? Aren’t you meant to work to get money and keep their jobs?”
(I really had no answer. How could I explain industrial dynamics and then the added pressure of immigration to a 6 year old? How would you have answered that question?)
So there’s me now thinking and panicking but luckily my dear 6 year old comes out with this:
William: I think it is ridiculous! It is almost as silly as Lex Luthor being a bad guy in Lego Batman! When he is Supermans Bad Guy!”
Me: (With a sigh of relief!) “That is silly, I wonder why he’s in the game!”
And with that the next conversation started!

Little Hearts, Big Love


jeremy@thirstydaddy said...

my daughter never ceases to amaze me with the things she picks up from random conversations

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Good old Lex Luthor, saving the day! And now I know how big God is, so that's good.
x Alice

Unknown said...

Incredible what they pick up! Little sponges! #ftmob

Kim Carberry said...

hehehe....It's so funny what they pick up isn't it x

Martin - At Home With The Boys said...

It amazes me how the little ones can go from one subject to another, with no connection what so ever. Totally random!


Sanna P said...

Hah ha, what a brilliant conversation. I love it that it goes from one subject to a completely random one, which OK, is sort of tangentially related via bad guys... I do love conversations with kids, they are always so much fun :) #ftmob

Unknown said...

Brilliant. I have two small boys too, with similar results, only the last traffic jam we were in was on the A21 and caused by an Ostrich. An Ostrich. In Sussex. Suddenly stacking lorries sounds almost normal.

Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) said...

That's a wonderful way of describing just how big the lorry-jam was during Operation Stack - definitely sounds like William is a little sponge for absorbing information and I can imagine that it is very confusing for a 6yo to understand strike action - sounds like Lex Luthor gave you a nice way out of trying to explain that one! Thanks for linking up to #ftmob :-)