Monday 24 August 2015

I am the Guy who.....

I was tagged by Andrea aka BloggerMumma last month for this and have been so far behind with everything that I have only just caught up with it now.

So here we go:

I am the Guy who will do anything to make my boys happy.

I am the Guy who prefers sitting with a book than watching a film.

I am the Guy who will go the extra mile to make someone I care about happy.

I am the Guy who has a secret fat person inside and loves eating food!

I am the Guy who has a massive comic book obsession.

I am the Guy who wants to be loved.

I am the Guy who is shy when I first meet new people but is confident when I have met them a few times.

I am the Guy who wishes that people would chase and want me occasionally.

I am the Guy who is waiting for that one message.

I am the Guy who is terrified of not being remembered.

I am the Guy who was obsessed with Julia Roberts growing up.

I am the Guy who battles Social Anxiety.

I am the Guy who loves sitting and drawing.

I am the Guy who misses the girl.

I am the Guy who puts his children first above all else.

I am the Guy who loves deeply.

I  the Guy who hates being alone.

I am the Guy who makes you laugh, whatever I'm going through.

I am the Guy who enjoys cuddles on the sofa.

I am the Guy who goes from extremes of LOVING my strengths and HATES my weaknesses.

I am the Guy who misses his Mum.

I am the Guy who is stubborn.

I am the Guy who would love to get married and have more children.

I am the Guy who will make you laugh, especially if I go on ne of my comical rants.

I am the Guy who wont give up.

I am the Guy who is writing this Post. I am Martyn.

I am tagging Nat, Nigel and Alan

If you would like to do this and haven't been nominated please feel free to and tag me so I can see your answers.


Stevie - A Cornish Mum said...

I was almost in love with Julia Roberts myself ;) I'm a bit chick flick fan and some of hers are my favourites :) lovely post Mr K

Stevie :)

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Stevie. She was stunning growing up so I think it was a good crush.