Sunday 2 August 2015

My Little Chef - Bacon and Mushroom Potatoe Bake

English Mustard
William carefully started by pealing the Potatoes and cutting them into slices. He then put them on to boil until soft.

He then sliced the mushrooms and sliced the bacon into squares. He then places both in a frying pan on a medium heat and kept turning the them so they cook evenly.

The Sauce

Amount depending: William measured out 50g of flour and added 600ml of milk over a low heat and stirred until smooth. Making sure that there isn't any lumps of flour.

Using as much cheese as you like add it to you mixture and stir in well. For seasoning he added some ground pepper and a tsp of English mustard. He continued to stir the mixture until it started the thicken.


Daddy then drained the potatoes as the water would have been hot; in the empty saucepan re-add the potatoes. Add the Bacon and Mushroom and the creamy sauce and mix well.

Place the mixture in a baking tin and add plenty of cheese on top!
Place it under the grill until the cheese has melted and gone golden.

Serve the meal and Enjoy!

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