Tuesday 4 August 2015

One of those days!

Yesterday was just one of those days where we seemed to fit everything in.
The boys and I are on a new routine, which to be honest has been difficult to get into. For the last year I have had the Boys Sunday morning to Tuesday night with the odd extra days throughout the month; it has now changed to Monday morning through to Wednesday evening with scattered days throughout.
Due to my D.P.D I am a creature of habit and routine is a massive things for me. Sunday was usually filled with going to church am then having a family day at home. This would then lend the opportunity for both the boys and myself to readjust and get into our daily routine of Home Schooling or projects.
With this changed I have to admit that we all have struggled to know how to get on with what we are meant to be doing.
Starting off on a Monday is and has been very strange.
Yesterday was no different! I struggled with the extra early pick up and by the time we got home we were left with "what to do?"; it seemed far to early to actually start anything but I also didn't want to imply that we were having an relaxed day either.
The worst part though was that I, as I have been these last few weeks, had a rather bad nights sleep which featured many of my current nightmares. (A post will be coming soon about these) This had also left me feeling achy, sore and uncomfortable. In the terms of Muscular Dystrophy, yesterday didn't seem to be a "good" day.
About an hour in, and with me thinking that a lazy day might be best, William asked what Home School activity we were planning on doing. With our current craft project of Roman armour still unfinished I felt that we should really give that a try.
2 hours later and the boys and myself had a completed armour. The had the individual panels, on the front and back, as well as a protective chest plate. (Again, a post will follow soon for this topics)
By this time we were ready for lunch. Quick snack and the boys wanted to do something different, or in their words "What are we doing now?"
With us now 2 weeks in our new flat there are still lots that we need to be doing; as there always seems to be when you move. I decided though that this was the perfect time to try and monopolise on our outside space which, at that time, was quite over grown and not really suitable for the boys to play in. It seemed then, with little eager faces, that it was gardening for the afternoon!

I have to give the boys credit here though they worked really hard on clearing everything that we needed to! (Again, a post on this is coming soon!)
Another 2 hours passed, garden cleared and William decides that we still need to do more! "Daddy, can your "Little Chef" help cook you dinner?" This is his way of trying to soften me to let him cook!
How could I refuse? After a little debate on what we would do we came to a conclusion that William would cook a Chicken (Quorn) Hotpot. This, like most of our activities, took a fair bit of time. Checking and reading the instructions several times with him making his chosen modifications!

Dinner was cooked and enjoyed by us all! (Yes, again, there will be a post for this too!)
We were running late now though with our dinner, bath and bed routine but only by 30 minutes; I could handle an extra half hour with the hope that it didn't turn in to longer!

Finally, and a smidge bit later, it was 8pm and both boys were tucked up in bed.

It really was one of those days! The days where you are not feeling your best and are wishing for a relaxing day to recover in some way but the complete opposite happens! So much, clearly, that it has left me to add even more to my list of posts that I need to write up!

The thing is that I might have been truly exhausted by the end of it, wishing myself an early night, but it wasn't a bad day. There wasn't any fighting or arguing, or any major problem that I had to manage. The Boys were happy and so was I. We fitted in loads and through that actually had a few laughs and silly moments; something that I hope the boys remember!

Although I could quite happily have a day in bed and sleep, due to sheer exhaustion, I wouldn't change it for the world and hope that we can have more of these types of days. All I have to worry about is finding time to write about everything! ;)


Plutonium Sox said...

That sounds like a very productive day to me! Do you fancy sending them round to do my garden?? I'd provide cake for their dad in return ;)

Tubbs said...

Sounds like a good day after a less than ideal start. :). Hope you're sleeping better now