Sunday 8 November 2015

Hunting for Mini Beasts

We have had a plan for a while to build a Mini beast home and with that go through the different stages; therefore the next few posts will show from start to finish.
Mini beasts have their own special requirements when looking for a home so if you can use different materials you hopefully attract different creatures.
Before the boys and I started collecting the different materials we investigated which creatures to be looking out for.

We found out in our research that these materials attract certain types of animal:
Straw or wood is loved by pretty lacewings, whose larvae feed on many pests: aphids, obscure mealy bugs, whiteflies and some ladybirds. Also great for other burrowing insects.
Bamboo rods and drilled logs provide shelter for solitary bees and wasps.

Flower pots filled with hay attract earwigs who also feed on pests. An upside down flower pot might also attract a queen bee.

Wooden boards will attract xylophagous insects involved in the decomposition of dead wood.

Bricks, stones and roof tiles would be appreciated by amphibians such as frogs and newts that will rest and hibernate amongst damp bases.

Ladybirds like to hibernate in nooks and crannies in dead wood and under bark. Their larvae consume a lot of aphids.

We then looked on the RSPB site and found instructions and advice on standard materials needed and they suggested:
  • Cardboard tubes and corrugated card
  • Straw, hay,
  • Dry leaf litter
  • Moss
  • Plant pots
  • Plastic and ceramic pipes of various diameter
  • Roofing felt
  • Stones
  • Bricks and concrete blocks, preferably with holes
  • Roof tiles
  • Hollow bamboo canes
  • Dead hollow stems cut from shrubs and herbaceous plants
  • Pinecones
  • Logs drilled with various sized holes
  • Crushed brick and concrete rubble 
  • Sand

With a list of material we took a stroll to the woods and collected as much as we could.

We did pretty well and actually gathered a lot!
Wood chip and Bark and small Stones and Pebbles.
(Please be kind to your environment. All wood chip and bark was found and not taken directly off the trees; if you look close enough you will find some)

We found some Moss and so Straw.
We gathered some Sticks and Twigs and a large selection of fallen Leaves.
The rest of the suggested materials we already knew we had at home.
The boys loved learning about the different materials and why a variety of creatures would live amongst them. They were recapping the information they learnt whilst we were gathering "Daddy, Ladybirds will really like this straw wont they?!"
Our next post then will be how to create a mini beast home/hotel where all these materials will go.


Anonymous said...

Nice one Martyn, the boys look happy with this one! I did a mini-beasts project in primary school and wouldn't sleep in my bed for 6months as a result. I would sleep on top of the duvet and use a blanket because that made all the difference. What a doughnut! :) xx

Martyn Kitney said...

Haha brilliant. I suppose it depends on how you are with the little creatures! James keeps wanting to take them to bed!