Monday, 29 February 2016

#Blogstorm 29/02/16

Life with Baby Kicks

#blogstorm is back - a monthly blog tips linky, opening on the 29th of each month and staying open for 2 weeks, for any and all blogging related posts hosted by myself and my and the lovely Laura from Life with Baby Kicks

#blogstorm - featured blog tips from last month

Laura chose a great post was by Prabs from Absolutely Prabulous, because, well, She is a Blog Geek.....and she loves her ingenious use of random hashtags ;)
My chosen post to feature is from Debbie who did a post about her Journey to being Self Hosted. I loved this because I am in the middle of it myself and it documented how I feel perfectly!

Our #blogstorm Blog Tips

This month Laura is posting, well actually not Laura as she is linking up a guest post from the lovely Debbie at My Random Musings, on 6 Tried and Tested Ways to Promote Your Blog Post.

My post this month is the Basics of Klout. Originally I was doing a post on Instagram but after a lot of people was discussing Klout I thought a Basic Post would work well.
So grab the badge and get linking.
Life with Baby Kicks

The Rules

Our rules are simple:

1.  Link up as many blogging related posts as you want, just remember to add the badge to any post you link

2.  Add your link using the Inlinkz button below, that will add your post to this post.  Not sure how to do it?  There is a fantastic guide from The Dad Network that can be found here.
3.  Comment on this post and at least 2 other linked up posts that tickle your fancy. Its commenting and sharing the love that makes this community great.
4.  Remember to tweet your link using #blogstorm.  Make sure to tweet us, @Laura_BabyKicks and @Mr_Kitney and we will be sure to RT you

An InLinkz Link-upjourney to being self hosted

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