Monday 7 March 2016

Week 4 #40DayBloggingChallenge

We are now half way through my Lent Challenge and so far it is going really well.

I am finding that each week is getting easier whilst I work through a particular theme. This weeks theme was highlighting Bloggers that inspire me through blogging.

Day 16

I started this week by featuring Amy from Mr and Mrs T Plus 3. Amy writes about an array of topics from parenting teenagers as well as a toddler to tips, guides, photography and recipes.

I have followed Amy for quite some time now and have seen both herself and her blog grow and change within the blogosphere. It is this growth that inspires me; I might have been blogging now for almost 6 years but it really has only been the last year where I have started to focus on growing and achieving more and Amy is a great example for me. Besides this she is lovely, helpful and my William loves giving her recipes a try!

My featured post is a 3 step guide to form a routine. It is a useful and practical guide to help any parent who struggles to get their little one settled for bed!

Day 17

On this day I featured Lucy from Mrs H Favourite Things. Mrs H is one of the most loveliest and supportive bloggers people I have ever had the pleasure to meet or speak to! Whatever hits in life she has been there sending love and encouraging me and she does that despite of what shes got going on. As a blogger she writes about Mum life to Little Miss H, pregnancy and all of the darker moments that can hit in life and does so with positivity.

My featured post was a post about pregnancy and miscarriage but since then she has published another that I want to feature. Lucy is expecting and she has a gender announcement! I wont say anymore as it will ruin the surprise!

Day 18

I couldn't go through this challenge without featuring Ally from Mother Under Measure. Apart from being one of my best friends she has always been one to inspire me along the way. Ally writes about parenting and being a Mum to J, relationship, dating and divorce and  also openly about Mental health and it is this part to why she inspires me. Without her encouragement on and off the blog I would have stayed quiet and not have mentioned  my mental health at all.

My featured post is about Mothers Day as a single parent. It is actually something I can relate to and doesn't actually hold to just one day a year as single parenting doesn't know the rules of days like this.

Day 19

As always I try to feature at least one Dad blogger each week and this week it was Tim from Slouching Towards Thatcham. Apart from being a gentleman in person he is also a Dad blogger who inspires me. Tim has been around the blogging block as much as I have over the years and has written content within different platforms. The difference between us is that he makes writing and the use of the English language look easy with thoughtful and well crafted posts. His writing ability is something that I would love to match but to be honest I usually run out of time to edit my posts to his standards!

My featured post is discussing the highs and lows of blogging and sometimes passion is all you need to keep going rather than struggling to get the next "big thing" written. This post reminded me that I probably wouldn't have lasted all these years if I didn't have the passion to write and share.

Day 20

Day 20 and the half way mark of the challenge features Kim from Northumberland Mam. Kim is a Stay at Home Mum to 2 girls and posts about parenting, meal planning and just general life. She inspires me as she is one of those bloggers that I see everywhere and to be honest I have no idea how she does it all and gets the balance right. She seems to be able to blog, join linkys and comment on nearly everything I visit! I literally struggle to find balance and time to do what I already do so to witness this inspires me to try harder.

My featured post is about World Book Day. Kim discusses her change from disliking the day to now enjoying it as well as featuring books that you could get in exchange of the world book day voucher.

Day 21

The final day of the week and the final person who inspires me. Donna from What the Redhead Said posts about parenting her 2 children, family life and all that it involves from recipes, days out and parental milestones. Donna inspires me in many ways that I have mentioned amongst the others here. She has been writing for a few years and in that time has put a stamp on her corner of the internet with honest and real posts of family life. Her growth and commitment to blogging is evident not only through her activity but also how she is willing to support others, old or new, around her.

My featured post is about moaning and if there really is any point to it? Sometimes it is easy to moan and be caught up in a negative cycle. This post resonated with me as I try hard not to moan and if I do then I only have a few unlucky and trusted people to moan at but even then I try to keep it to a minimum and not be too repetitive.

So that is week for over and features a range of bloggers that are worth checking out, following and taking the time to get to know. They really do inspire me and all in their own ways and collectively they have all helped me to carry on.

If you are interested in any of the other bloggers that have been featured previously you can find them below in the different weeks.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3


Lucy Howard said...

Oh Martyn, thanks so much for featuring me. And I am honoured to be included in such fabulous company. I am so glad that you liked my gender reveal post. I was very worried that people would find the video was corny. But I love it. Thank you also for all your kind words. You are so lovely. And remember that I am always here if you need to chat. Hugs Lucy xxxx

Kim Carberry said...

Thank you for mentioning me...You don't know how much it changed me day. I was feeling poop with the flu and it really cheered me up.

Amy Treasure said...

Ah martyn I am so flattered! I've really enjoyed watching your blog grow too. So glad we've become friends and it makes me so happy that William makes my recipes! Really lovely of you thank you x

Unknown said...

Thank you for featuring me, completely honoured! x

Donna said...

I am so chuffed to be featured - thanks so much Martyn! x

Martyn Kitney said...

You are more than welcome. You're too lovely not to include! The video was cute so I wouldn't worry!

Martyn Kitney said...

I'm really pleased that it made a difference for you

Martyn Kitney said...

That's perfectly okay. I'm pleased too!

Martyn Kitney said...

Well wasn't going to then thought you might beat me with your northern strength... hahahaha

Martyn Kitney said...

You're more than welcome Donna. It was a pleasure.