Wednesday 13 April 2016

Review - Gro Anywhere Blind

Last month I wrote a post when I came to the realisation that, upon the idea of decorating the boys bedroom, I would need to either invest in some blackout material for the curtain or some blackout blinds.

The problem that I was having involved James more than William. When it comes to sleeping both boys are usually super good; we have our set bedtime routine and bang on 7pm (or as close as possible) they are cuddled and tucked into bed and asleep within 5 minutes.

I know I am very lucky with this fact and I haven't really ever had a problem with them. I do and support co-sleeping and until these last 8 months I used to get one or the other climb into bed with me 9 out of 10 times.

Mornings, however, are a completely different scenario.

Anywhere between 4.30 - 5am James wakes up and asks if it is time to get up yet and then every 15 minutes after he comes and does the same thing until I surrender and get up. William seems to just carry on sleeping until James wakes him up to play.

I find this really hard; with the combination of medication that I am on I am pretty much knocked out at bedtime. This will usually last for a few hours until my pain creeps in and by that point I lose sleep but remain groggy with the after affects of the drugs.

Well here is me rather groggy and tired trying to explain that it was too early and James, thanks to the curtsey of the film Frozen, says “I can’t the sky’s awake so I’m awake!” *sigh*

So 5am isn't really the best time for me to be woken. It doesn't do James any good either. If I do manage to get up by around 11am James is tired and needing a mid morning nap.

Luckily, following that previous post and some discussions on Twitter, I was contacted by the Gro Company to try out some of their Anywhere Blinds!

The blind has a combination of Velcro and suction cups that means that they are easily adapted to any size window.

(Image from

Our window is pretty large so I admittedly was a little surprised that the blind fitted it. The suction pads attached to the window seal with ease covering the whole window pain; I was amazed how the rooms was instantly dark.

On the reverse side there is a lovely moon and stars pattern across to make it more visually appealing for the children. You can see in the above the photo (just in my poor photo of white and grey curtains) that there is also room to for your curtains to be pulled over the top.

So, do they work?

Having them now for 3 weeks there is only one way to tell you! The photo at the top and the one below are all the evidence I can give you!

Both of these photo's have been taken at 6.30am and James has been sound asleep. The room has stayed dark and no sunlight has crept in and subsequently not woken him up; James hasn't even napped during the day which has allowed us to achieve more and be more productive.

The best part of these blinds for me is that they are adjustable and easy to take down and replace, preventing the boys room being constantly dark and ruining their personal space for play and relaxation. 

The manoeuvrability feature also shows the strength in the name "Anywhere Blind". The Velcro patches allow the size of blind to change and fit different size windows and in addition it also folds up to be a easy travel companion.

This has definitely changed and helped our sleeping patterns so we, mostly meaning I, are thrilled with it.

You can follow The Gro Company and find out about more of their products below:

Twitter: @TheGroCompany
Facebook: The Gro Company

(I was given this product for free to review. My opinions are my own and I am under no obligations to give a positive review. Please see my full disclosure at the bottom of my blog)

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