Monday 11 April 2016

Out of the Mouth of Babes #18

So we are back this week with Out of the Mouth of Babes as it has been a great week for the different things that the boys have come out with!
We have had awkward questions, logic questions and just parent embarrassment!


So we took a trip to the cinema this week to go and see Zootropolis, which both the boys and I enjoyed and I recommend that you guys go if you get the chance.

After the film had finished it was time for us all to nip to the toilets before we headed home. The boys went and then waited patiently for me; however they suddenly noticed something.
William: “Look James, what do you think that is?” (Pointing to the condom machine)
James: “I don’t know, but you have to put money in it. Maybe it is a toy machine”
William: “Daddy, what’s this for and can we use it?”

Now, I am not one to shy about talking about sex with the boys and will always be age appropriate but I didn’t think this was the best time for this conversation.
Me: “Oh, it’s not for children. That’s why it is high up on the wall so you can’t reach; It is only for adults. Have you two washed your hands?”

Luckily the boys hadn’t washed their hands so we got distracted. Have any of you had this question? What do you say?

James: "why do we say toilet and not toilet room? We say we're going to the living room not the living"

To be honest with this one, it had me stumped for a minute but mostly because I wasn’t expecting it and didn’t have an immediate answer.
Luckily Facebook came to the rescue and pointed out that it is the bathroom and the toilet is a part of it, like the sofa is in the living room; we obviously don’t say that we’re going to the sofaroom.

I did like his logic though!


So there I am doing the routine top to bottom flat cleaning, music on high and singing fairly loudly when William came out to me.
William: "Daddy can you stop singing. It's an embarrassment to us as well as yourself"

When did their Dad singing become an embarrassment to a seven year old?! More importantly, he really did tell me off brilliantly; Felt like I was back at school again being told off by a teacher!
He phrased it so well though that I though I would stop for him!
Little Hearts, Big Love

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