Thursday 9 June 2016

Home School - The Queens Birthday with iChild

Up and down the country this weekend many people will be joining in the celebrations wishing the Queen a happy birthday; or, they will at least be celebrating her official birthday!

If you have been following our journey over the last few years you will know that we are a fan of the Queen. That doesn't necessarily make us royal blue royalists but we are rather fond of her.

Despite your views on the establishment, I am proud to be alive in the era where we have the longest ever serving monarch as well as being pretty impressed with the fact that she is 90; that is an impressive age for anyone and deserves some respect.

We are attending some community celebrations this weekend and thought, once again, to fit some activities into our home education this week.

We were contacted last month by the lovely people over at who are an educational resource website for children age 0-11. Who offer free downloadable resources for parents and teachers to use with the children in their care.

Their site is extensive and incredibly useful as a parent, teacher and home educator and I would highly recommend that people would go and check them out!

Over on their site they have over 30 resource activities for children and families to take part in the celebrations and all designed for varying ages.

They were great in sending us a sample pack of activities that were suitable for both William and James!

On exploring the activities the boys were quick to grab one each and give them a go!

James started by making some mini flags to fly!

With some help cutting James was followed the easy steps to make the flags. He folded them in half, ran glue on the inside and then using cocktail sticks as the pole, with a final squeeze to make them tight he had 8 flags read to wave!.

Although James needed some help with the cutting it was straightforward for him to do. It had that right balance of time consuming (45 minutes), detailed to focus and engaging without him getting bored.

James, being the more outgoing of the boys, wanted to get into the mix of celebrating as soon as he could and, of course, wanted to get to wear some party hats!

iChild have two designs here; one with a ready made Union Jack and the other plain for your own creative designs.

James, again, needed some help with the cutting but he thoroughly enjoyed the idea that he had some freedom in the design process!

With a quick cut, roll and attaching some string the party hats were ready!

Continuing with the creative flow James wanted to do some colouring! The freedom and range of the resource allowed that extension easily!

The  Corgi colour and count really shows the thought that is put into these activities and resources. James had the freedom to explore what type of dog a corgi was but also to have his free expression in colouring. The questions provided supported some basic counting and numeracy suitable for his age and younger but included it in a fun way!

I love James' picture although and a little concerned that the Queen, at her age, is bright red? I am sure her doctors can get to the bottom of it!

William wanted to be more creative and loved the idea of the flag lanterns.

This age appropriate activity, like the ones for James, kept William focused and yet still having fun. The easy to follow instructions allowed me to have more time to focus on helping James as William could complete the task by himself.

On seeing James making the party hats I think William wanted to have something to wear also.

He loved making this and I think he felt quite regal with it on his head!

Like with James, there were age appropriate fun but educational activities suited for his age. He was working on the logic and coordination with matching up the crowns activity sheet as well as a simple writing sheet that would be suitable either his of James' age.

To top our pack off we were given some decorative cake toppings and some Union Jack cupcakes packets to make! We were going to use them this week and then we thought that we would make them before we go to the street party on Sunday so our friends could enjoy them too!

Besides these fantastic activities for the celebrations this weekend I have spent a lot of time this last month on their website really getting to know all the iChild offers and with educational activities available for all primary aged children I think they will become a handy online support and extension within our regular schooling activities; going from the amount of fun the boys had with this it would be silly not too.

If you want to do some of these free activities such as bunting, paper chains, and birthday banner as well as a selection of age appropriate Queen themed educational activities too you can just follow the link here.

Alternatively, if you are looking for primary resources then please go to their main site here.

You can also find them on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter!

(I was given this product for free to review. My opinions are my own and I am under no obligations to give a positive review. Please see my full disclosure at the bottom of my blog)

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