Wednesday 30 November 2016

Dear William and James

If you have been following our adventures you will know that the boys wrote letters to their favourite house that had Christmas decorations.
It was a bit of fun that we thought would share some Christmas cheer; after all, who wouldn’t like a letter telling them that they have made a difference in someone’s lives?

Not once did we expect a reply!
Yet, Tuesday morning comes and I get an excited boy who tells me that a letter has come and it is addressed to him!

If you haven’t guessed it, we had a reply from a Christmas house!
Here is the reply!


Dear William and James

Thank you so much for your lovely letter and pictures, they brought tears to my eyes.
If daddy can bring you up on Tuesday after 4.30 you can see the lights and also see the ones in the back garden.

Thank you

The Christmas house

As you can imagine we are all rather thrilled that we made someone happy and with that have someone take the time to reply to us!

We wanted to take them up on their offer and go and see them!
Sue kindly let us and we had a chance to enjoy their lights. They even told us that they are even going to put more up this year just to make it more christmasy for us and others to enjoy.  On a side point though she told me how she has been unwell with an ongoing illness and the last few weeks have been more difficult and the little gesture from us made a big difference.

This has been fantastic for us as a family. It showed both the boys and myself that there is still a little bit of cheer in the world and that we can make a difference to people this time of year.
What do you think? Feel like copying us and spreading some Christmas cheer?

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