Tuesday 1 November 2016

My Little Chef - Mexican Medly with Santa Maria

As you know from previous Little Chef posts that William has been asked by Santa Maria to review a few of their products and with that how much we love Mexican food!

We were then excited when they asked us to take part in the Mexican festival the Day of the Dead and try out a few of their products and recipes!

We were sent 3 sets.: Salted Tortilla Chips, Taco Shells and Taco Seasoning, Plain Flour Tortillas and Fajita Seasoning and finally, a bottle of Salsa.



1 Onion
3 Peppers
Santa Maria Tortilla Wraps
Santa Maria Fajita Seasoning


William started by dicing the chicken breasts into small cubes.

He then thinly sliced the peppers and onions into strips.

William then placed the chicken into a pan and gently fried them until they went a golden colour. 

He then used half of the seasoning which lightly covered the chicken and mixed with the oils and juices.

William then added the peppers and onions.

After the peppers and onions had softened slightly he used the remaining seasoning.

William then followed the instructions on the tortilla wraps and heated them in the microwave for 45 seconds.

Once they were cooked we used a spoonful of the salsa, some grated cheese and the cooked contents and created our wraps!



Santa Maria Taco Shells
Taco Seasoning
Minced Beef
100ml Water


William started by measuring 100ml of water and then combining the taco seasoning, mixing well.

He then started the cook the mince until it turned brown. Once it was ready he added the wet seasoning and allowed it to simmer.

William then sliced and quartered the cucumber and tomatoes and washed the lettuce leaves.

I then baked the taco shells in the oven for 4 minutes at 180c. He then filled the shells with a mix of the above ingredients.



Santa Maria's Tortilla Chips
Cheese (Lots of Cheese)


William placed the tortilla chips into a tray and then covered with cheese.

I then placed them under the grill until the cheese had melted and gone a golden colour.

Then we had our Mexican Medly

So what makes Santa Maria different?

Every time we have tried their products the one thing that stands above everything else; their seasonings!

Each seasoning turns the meal, and the top quality ingredients, into a flavoursome delight!

As you can see, we used these great products to produce 2 easy meals and a great snack! Combined you can celebrate the day of the dead with a bang!

Mexican still continues to be our favourite and with 2 days of celebration it makes a great excuse to have it more than once.

What do you think? Will you try these simple recipes? Join in and have an excuse to have Mexican?

(I was given these products and ingredients for free to review. My opinions, gluttony and love of Mexican food are my own and I am under no obligations to give a positive review or share my food! Please see my full disclosure at the bottom of my blog)

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