Friday 2 December 2016

Review- Itty Bitty

Earlier this year we were lucky enough to review and run a giveaway on Hallmarks Star Wars Itty Bitty's. We were, of course, really excited to be contacted again to see what new characters are available and some cheeky Christmas characters too!

What are Itty Bitty's?
Itty Bittys are a selection of stuffed toy characters from a range of different themes, from Disney, Star Trek, Star Wars, Scooby Doo and more. 
They are, as their name suggests, "itty bitty" small and are only 4" in height.

They are soft and suitable for children, or, like me, adults, geeks and collectors (of which they seem really popular as Hallmark seem to retire characters making them selective)
Each character has a surprising level of detail which is then an addition to being soft, small and child safe. Obviously, as a professional blogger, I had to put them to the test.

Okay, okay, who am I kidding with this "professional blogger" stuff, admittedly, I did end up playing with these myself before I gave them to the boys. Not sure who was more excited the child in my, the geek or the boys themselves!
"Punny Blogger"
"Step down reindeer games"

Okay, enough of me playing with them. From a parents point of view these are great for children who are avid comic book fans. Both of my boys were excited, as much as I was, to play with them and put each character into different situations. Although we did have some argument over who was going to be good or evil?!

The fact they are small means that they are not only easy to handle but also great for storing and taking places; rather than taking a range of larger toys with you.

With Itty Bittys being introduced to the UK late last year I can see these, as well as the other characters from films and TV, being a massive hit in households of both big and small children ;) (especially if the introduction in the US, Austrailia and Canada follow suit where stocks where being sold out!)

Hallmark also have a special release of Christmas characters!
So, if they are for a child, Dad, geeky adult or a collector then I would highly recommend that you check out the other collections available.
Due to there size I would see these as being a perfect stocking filler gift and with each character being highly collectable I would definitely take the opportunity to grab Santa and Rudolph before Christmas!
In the meantime, we are happy with our ever growing collection!


Facebook: Hallmark UK
Twitter: @HallmarkUK
(I was given this product for free to review. My opinions are my own and I am under no obligations to give a positive review. Please see my full disclosure at the bottom of my blog)

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