Tuesday 14 February 2017

Take That Valentines Day 2017

For the last 3 years I have posted an anti-Valentine’s day  post where I have celebrated the fact that I don’t need anyone in my life and I am happy to just love my boys, dog and myself.
Today’s post isn’t like that though.

I still stand by the facts  that  I believe Valentine’s day is commercialised and I don’t need someone in my life to make me happy because I am and have been happy with just the boys, Samson and of course my friends for such a long time.
Along with the money centred aspect, my biggest problem with valentines day  lies with the building of unrealistic expectations that can lead to an anti-climax, because people are  pushed to celebrate and publically declare their love and affection to one, or more, people.

Now, I know what you’re thinking;  this is a grumpy single man’s rant over a loving holiday, but it really isn’t. I am a softy  but I believe that if and when I am in a relationship I will try my best to show that person that I love them every day and not just one specific day.
My parents had that type of relationship and it is something that I would like myself but I won’t force myself into a relationship just for the sake of a “day”. My Mum and Dad never sent each other cards or gifts and they often fought like cat and dog but did show the greatest love in the  smallest moments, every day.

Just like this photo of them at a wedding. It isn’t anything great or a master of skilled photography but there’s this tiny spark of love can be seen as one reaches to grab the hand of the other.  53 years together and still united by an outreached hand. Those  small declarations of love is what I want, not the silly cards or gifts given on one day of the year, which quite frankly, in my opinion, will have an expiry date.
It is days like today however,  if I am honest, that make me long more so for  what they had, because although I don’t want big grand gestures of love, it does highlight how I am missing the smallest ones too.

Mum was a massive Take That fan and had quite a thing for Gary Barlow (Who doesn’t?) and you would often hear her at happy points singing along with their songs, especially love songs.
I am quite like her in that regard. Music and the type of songs I listen too often reveal more of my mood including if I am all soppy.

So, I thought for a bit of fun this Valentine’s Day I would talk about what I want in a relationship by including as many Take That songs as possible.
I know these days that love aint here anymore for me but I want it. I want someone to relight my fire so I never forget how they made a million love songs pale in comparison. It will be the greatest day in a beautiful world where everything changes and I know, because of them, that I have love back for good and together we could shine.

I know that I sure would pray that I found heaven and it could be magic instead of these days where I stay up all night seeking affirmation to why I can’t wake up with you.
But Babe, I might be difficult to love at times but hold on as I am sure with a bit of patience that it will happen with the flood of emotions and you realise that it only takes a minute to know how deep is your love for me.

In the meantime, before I have said it all, I will make the promises that one day you and I will rule the world.
Did I miss any?

For all you lovely people who are in relationships or are in those tedious loved up happy couples ;-) I hope you do have a lovely, spoilt, day. I also hope though that you drop little hints to make it a regular thing!
For all the fantastic single parents out there who are in the same boat as me: Love your children, do something fun and remember to love yourself.

And for my fellow Singletons in general enjoy the day, love yourself and have some fun!

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