Monday 22 May 2017

James' 6th Birthday

James turned 6 on Friday and with that my little man was a little bit bigger.
However, as many co-parenting families may find, I didn't actually have him on his birthday and it was his day with his mum. It didn't really matter as for James he had a chance to celebrate his birthday twice and be around family.
Last year we had a BBQ and James had asked to have one again. Last year was a bit manic though and my little flat was packed so we decided that the best thing to do was hold it at Grandad's.

Aunty Donna was on BBQ duty and food a plenty for all the family to eat and take home a doggy bag!

The boys are lucky that they have lots of cousins so family get together is always fun!

James had a great time with everyone around although typical him when he found more enjoyment squirting a balloon with water than actually spending time with any of them!
He did manage to join in and play with one game with his Aunty Claire though.
Finally it was time for his superhero cake and blowing out the candles and then opening presents!



James has always enjoyed being around with people even if he doesn't necessarily interact with them all the time. The sun was shining, there was great BBQ food, presents, cake and surrounded by family who were there just for him. I think that sums up a great little birthday for a growing boy!

Just hold up on growing up too quickly! I don't think I can cope with it going too fast!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday James. Your party looked great and the cake looked awesome! How many presents does one little man get! Glad the weather was good after the last weeks chucking it down!

Plutonium Sox said...

I'm glad he had a fab day, it looks like the sunshine was kind for his birthday too!

Kim Carberry said...

It looks like James had a wonderful party.
How lucky to be able to celebrate over two days :D

Unknown said...

Amazing how time flies! He looked like he had fun and who doesn't love a BBQ and good weather. Keep an eye on the days, it's amazing how Bettie went from 6 to 14 in a flash of an eye. Love every minute.