Thursday 2 November 2017

Throwaway Thursdays #1

One thing I love about being a parent blogger is finding like-minded people who live similar lives to me.
As many of you know I enjoy both mucking around and being a grumpy old man on Twitter; okay, let’s face it I am mostly a grumpy old man!

I love finding things that we, as parents, love to hate and more than feeling unity against these is hearing a good rant as to why they are bad!
I was, and still am, a big fan of the show Room 101 television series based on the radio series of the same name, in which celebrities are invited to discuss their pet hates and persuade the host to consign those hates to oblivion in Room 101, a location whose name is inspired by the torture room in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four which reputedly contained "the worst thing in the world". George Orwell himself named it after a meeting room in Broadcasting House where he would sit through tedious meetings.

It occurred to me that this would be great to use in the context for us bloggers and thought it would make a great series. Throw away Thursdays; a chance to experience more than just my thoughts!
To make it more interesting though I have decided to have three things that you would like to “throwaway”.

1. Something inside your house. It can be the latest fad that your child/ren has, a pet peeve like homework, a toy that really annoys you or for non-parents, something of your partners!
2. Something we do as humans. It can be littering, swearing, bad driving or a really serious global issue.

3. Anything you want. It would be less fun if I completely restricted you on topics. There is always something that we might want to throw away and you never know maybe others might feel exactly the same.
All that needs doing is to answer the 3 topics and explain why you think they should be thrown away!

I would be a poor host though if I didn’t start with my own! So here are my Throwaway Thursdays.

1. Marbles
My boys love marbles. If we are in a shop and we see them they are always checking them out, looking at the different colours and shapes that they come in. For birthdays and Christmas they always seem to get more and always as a “little harmless gift”.

So why do I hate them and think they need to be thrown away? Because they are never played with. Ever. They are more of a collecting item of interest for the boys to investigate and explore than to actually play with and it doesn’t matter how many times I have tried to show them the rules! There always seems to be rouge ones that escape, go under the sofa, cling to the end skirting boards and end up in shoes! They not only litter my flat, end up the hoover, cause arguments between the boys but they are also a nightmare to walk around. Disabled guy struggling to walk around puts a foot on one and go flying over. It is like my flat becomes an enactment from Home Alone. They are a pain.

2. The use of Indicators
There’s this little stick that is attached near your steering wheel and if you click it one way a little orange light appears on the front and back of your car on the driver’s side. If you click it the other way the light appears on the passenger side on the front and back of the car. Apparently this “indicates” which way you as a driver are going! It is really easy to use when turning down a road, going around a roundabout or crossing the path of traffic.

So why on earth do so many people not use them and worse decide to drive like lunatics and then get angry when you are “in the way”? I have my children in the car and try to be as aware as possible and something as simple as letting someone know where you are going could save a life.
3. Fruit and Meat

I have a massive issue with the combination of fruit and meat. I love fruit. I love meat. But not together.
Ham and Pineapple. Just yuck! Why would you ruin 2 beautiful food items by making them mix? Apple sauce and Pork. Why is that even a thing? Did someone just feed a pig some apples and go “I eat both of those so why not together?” No, just no. Cranberry on turkey. I know, I will just get some jam and smother it in my bacon sandwich. Yuck.

I don’t get it. The texture in my mouth feels wrong and it never actually tastes nice and all. Stick to just one thing and be happy that you enjoy each mouthful.
So there are my 3 Throwaway Thursday thoughts. What do you think? Do you agree with them?

If you would like to take part in my series I would love to feature you! I would backlink to your blog and tag and share across social media and, importantly, I would love to hear what annoys you! Just drop me a tweet @mr_kitney or email me at


Lisa - Little Orange Dog said...

You are such a grumpy git! What's wrong with marbles? Only joking, they're almost as bad as rogue lego bricks! Can I join in please?

Hannah said...

Hang on a moment, what's with your homemade apples and pork dishes then Mr!? Theyre yummy! I hate marbles I can tolerate Lego because it's cool but marbles have no place in my world either. Useless. As you know I'm a terribly nervous passenger so anything that puts the driver off or on edge gets me too ! Xx

Mandy said...

I'm laughing so much right now, I've never been the same since that conversation we had about fruit and meat when we found out about the cannibals using pineapple to tenderise the human meat...

Still like duck with orange though... said...

What, so you're throwing away indicators because some people don't use them? Knob.

Love this series, looking forward to taking part :)


chickenruby said...

sorry about the lack of use of indicators when i visit the UK, but if I use them in Dubai I just cause confusion, so i get used to not using them

Unknown said...

Hehe what a great idea for a series! I'm with you on the fruit-meat thing - it's just weird!

And congratulations because someone loved this post so much, they added it to the BlogCrush linky! Feel free to collect your "I've been featured" blog badge :) #blogcrush