Friday 2 October 2015

Ten Things I wish I knew before becoming a Parent!

Being a parent brings many different lessons and sometimes I sit here and question why I didn’t know half of what I know now.
It seems that every stage they go through I seem to learn something new about being a parent.

So I thought I would share Ten things that I wish I had known before I was a parent.

1. There is always a lost shoe.

It doesn’t matter if you have a nice permanent home for your shoes there is always one that seems to be missing. It has probably been there every time you have walked past it but the instant you want to get out the door it will vanish. Please plan time for “finding the shoe”.
2. Putting shoes on your children doesn’t mean that they won’t get lost.

Planning time to find the shoe and putting them on your children doesn’t always mean that a shoe won’t get lost. There is a magical void behind your back, if you don’t know this now you will soon. Putting shoes on child number 1 and turning around to assist child number 2 doesn’t mean that the shoes on Child number 1 won’t go missing. Please also make time to find the shoe you just put on.

3. Children do NOT care about the Clock’s changing.
Relish in the moment before you have children and you get excited because you have seen on Facebook that the clocks go back this weekend and you get a lie in.  Children don’t care about this. As far as they're concerned they are awake and so should you, time doesn’t matter.

4. Your Child will make you fearful of waking up.
This sounds like a strange lesson but anyone who has a child that likes to sneak into their beds will understand. Your child will have their eyes open and be about an inch away from your face watching you when you wake up. You will sense that there is something wrong, someone there, brace yourself when you open your eyes it can be pretty scary.

5. Your Child CAN change their mind within seconds.
It doesn’t matter if you have been told something a million times from your Child, the moment it happens they will change their minds. For Example: “I really want to go to the park” so you take your child to the park. The moment they get there they may decide that it wasn’t the park that they wanted at all and that they want to go home.

6. They know when you’re going to the toilet.
It will not matter if you have just placed the best toy, gadget, work, film in front of your child to “entertain” them for 5 mins. The moment you sit down on the toilet they will be by the door.

7. You WILL get dirty.
Learn that when you are at home with them you need to be wearing clothes that can get dirty. Children will have dirty or sticky hands; they will wipe whatever their hands, face and any other body part on you.

8. Children are fussy eaters.
It doesn’t matter if your child eats everything and isn’t technically a fussy eater. There will be a moment where you cook or make them a dinner that you know they enjoyed from a previous meal time and they will turn around at one point and say that they don’t like it.

9. Children LOVE repetition.
It will seem like torture but be prepared to watch the same film or listen to the same song hundreds times. It doesn’t matter if you have just watched or listened to it, your child has clearly enjoyed it and they will want to enjoy it again and again. You might end up detesting the words “Can we watch…..please”

10. You WILL watch Childrens T.V when they are not there.
There will be moments where you have a film or a television programme on and there will be a moment when your child has left or gone to bed. You will find yourself sitting there still watching the programme and get a sudden realisation that you are watching it alone. Please also be aware that it could be the programme or film that you have learnt to detest.

Hope you enjoyed my random Ten Things.

What would you like to have told yourself before you became a parent?
A Cornish Mum


Kim Carberry said...

hahaha! I love this because it is all so true!
Do you know what's even worse than watching kids TV when they are not there....Singing along with it! Been there done that. lol x

Martyn Kitney said...

Haha glad you liked it Kim! Ha! Me too! I actually questioned my sanity when I've done that!

Hannah said...

Funny and so true. My son is really big on repetition the sane book read at least 4 times or the sane 3/4 books read every night. If I start a song it'll be ages before he gets bored of singing it (but I'm done by round 2 ha ha!) I've never had clock problems very lucky, but I have opened my eyes to Midge leaning over me several times!

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Hannah. The repetition is hard going at times! Especially with songs in the car! I don't mind books but films and tv get me too.
Oh no! It's pretty scary isn't it?? Why they get so close I will never know!

Plutonium Sox said...

Great post. Oh the flipping repetition. Lia is just getting into this - and it's a couple of lines from a song that she will sing out of tune, pronounced wrongly and on repeat ALL DAY. I guess when you're 16 months old and get a song stuck in your head there is no respite for anyone.

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks. Oh no! That's the worst! It must be horrible for them but in my experience they always seem to enjoy repeating it over and over again. I just don't think others appreciate it as much!

Unknown said...

Haha - yes, most of these sound familiar! #bigfatlinky

Random Musings said...

I think you have to be prepared to get dirty if you are even in the vicinity of children lol :) Thanks for hosting the #bigfatlinky

Luke Strickland said...

Ha ha great list Martyn! That's so true about the clocks changing too! I've also found myself absorbed by kids TV or a kids film long after they've gone out of the room... #bigfatlinky

Tracey Abrahams said...

Along with shoes you should have added socks. Always by packs of the same socks. Akways have spare socks #bigfatlinky

Becky said...

This is all so true - especially the changing of minds and repetition - we are living that daily at the moment! Thanks for hosting #bigfatlinky

Mummy Fever said...

haha love this - couldn't agree more. Have a good weekend :) #bigfatlinky

Laura (Mind Mood Mommy) said...

Oh so true...! Great post, have a great weekend :) #bigfatlinky

Martyn Kitney said...


Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Debbie. I think you're right.

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Tracey!! Socks!!! Grrr. You're so right!

Martyn Kitney said...

Oh dear Beck! It gets tedious doesn't it!

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Luke. I wish the kids knew they had to stay in bed for longer!
Ha! Glad it's not only me! It's slightly worrying that we sit and watch!

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks! Annoying isn't it. If only we knew!

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Laura!

Cuddle Fairy said...

lol you hit all of the important points here - the toilet, repetition & lost shoes in particular! We really aren't warned properly going into this kids business are we?! Thanks so much for hosting #bigfatlinky

jeremy@thirstydaddy said...

you'll catch yourself humming the theme to children's shows at unfortunate times

Claire Hall - Tin Box Traveller said...

Ah yes, the dirt. I bought some new clothes in the week and they are already covered in stains. What was I thinking? I wish I had known how much I would come to rely on coffee / I would have taken out shares in Costa!! :) #bigfatlinky

Unknown said...

Brilliant list Martyn! Spot on. The toilet thing - so true - there's no peace. The films I can kind of handle because you can do other things... But the same story over and over again... Aaarrgggh!! #bigfatlinky

Alex Eno - The Perils of Parenthood said...

Good top 10 but really just shoes? I'd add socks, trousers or jackets too whilst you are attending to child 2!
I'd have warned myself that there are no lie-ins ever once you have kids. I don't think I really took that thought on board! I'm actually looking forward to the teenage years for this one reason.

skinnyandsingle said...

add the will ask at least ten questions a day where you have no answer for them. You will want to strangle them. #bigfatlinky

Sarah Arthurwears said...

...that just because they need to sleep doesn't mean they will actually do it!! #bigfatlinky

Unknown said...

I actually laughed out loud to this post this morning, there have been many evenings that I have found myself staring blankly at cbeebies bedtime our for a good 20 mins before I realise that my children are in bed and that my sink is still full of dishes! Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Ha! This list is so great! And so true. I found myself laughing and nodding along to every point. It's funny how kids all seem to do the same types of crazy behavior.

Michelle said...

This is awesome! Every single one has happened to me. The last one is my favorite. Just about a week ago I was watching Mighty Med on Disney XD with my 8 year old. They had a marathon going on so I knew my son wasn't going to sit and watch all of them but there I was, watching every single episode before I even realized my son had gone off to play in his room. LOL! Great post! Thanks for sharing! Visiting from #thebigfatlinkyoftheweek

Something Crunchy Mummy said...

Great list and oh so true! #bigfatlinky xx

Ky - said...

Love this! I've even got certain tv shows on series link because my partner likes to watch them but he's always at work when they are on. #bigfatlinky

Martyn Kitney said...

Ha no we are definitely not!

Martyn Kitney said...

Ha! No, we're definitely not!

Martyn Kitney said...

Oh dear! This is so true!

Martyn Kitney said...

What was you thinking? That's crazy! Haha yes to relying on coffee! But o would add that I never really finish mine since becoming a parent

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks! The toilet thing really annoys me! Every single time! Arghh the repetition is such a pain!

Martyn Kitney said...

Haha Alex. I think you're can be any clothing! Neither did I with sleep? Was told lots but never truly realised!

Martyn Kitney said...

Hahaha that is so true! Always question after question!

Martyn Kitney said...

Oh my! How did I miss this!!

Martyn Kitney said...

Haha thanks! Glad you liked it! It's a pain in my life. I think im so used to sitting and blanking off slightly with these programmes that I forget the kids aren't here.

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Mike. Glad you liked it! It's funny indeed how they all do it!

Martyn Kitney said...

Haha thanks Michelle! Oh ive caught myself doing that with a series. If I've been forced to watch 6/8 I end up watching the other 2 just to see how it goes. With or without children!

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks! Think we all experience some of this!

Martyn Kitney said...

Haha thanks! We've done the same.

Loving My Finley said...

All of these are so true! I wish they'd give you more warning before having children haha #TenThings

Julie S said...

Haha great list! Yep I do notice I watch and enjoy children's shows now.

Unknown said...

Haha love this, I often like to watch Sponge Bob when the kids are in bed! Love that yellow dude lol! Never understand why kids know when you are heading towards the toilet and why they have to bug you when you go!!


Gemma x

Stevie - A Cornish Mum said...

Yep yep and yep to all of these ;) there's also the fact that the second you get in the shower with the noisy water, a child will start trying to talk to will turn off the shower and stand their freezing to hear what's so urgent....only to find they were asking if you were having a shower....yes I WAS grrr ;)

Thanks for linking up to #TenThings Mr and giving me a giggle when I should be packing ;)


Unknown said...

I have to agree this is spot on lol, aside from the waking up in fear, for me I love when KK lays in bed giving me cuddles I won't have long with her wanting that almost 10 !! and my baby is to wriggly to lay and cuddle at the moment.

but yes every time I need a wee or shower KK will always go there first or come in while I'm having a moment.
great post x

Unknown said...

I'm glad I came back to read the original post. My little one hid the remote one day and I ended up sitting on the couch after he went to bed for longer than I'd care to admit watching kids tv. It's all so bizarre - I had some strange dreams that night!

Martyn Kitney said...

Haha of only they did! This should be the real lessons on childcare at school!

Martyn Kitney said...

Haha glad I'm not the only one!

Martyn Kitney said...

Ha I don't know. It bugs me. My two do it all the time. Good and busy. I go to the toilet and all help breaks loose and they're at the door.

Martyn Kitney said...

Haha oh I forgot about that! That really annoys me!!

Martyn Kitney said...

Aw you've got to hold on to it as long as you can before they grow up. Ha kids timings for you!

Martyn Kitney said...

Ha so pleased you came back to read it! I'm sure you would have! Those shows are mad! I should send you the link for my in the night garden post, it says exactly that!