Tuesday 15 December 2015

Carols by Candlelight


 As many of you may know, the Boys and I attend Church regularly. Religious choices aside, we are extremely lucky to be part of such a loving and supportive community.

Bobbing Church, Sittingbourne, is a very friendly and welcoming church to all that enter it. With the inclusion of family services and great activities for children they help connect to all ages. Within this community this year the Church has organised a variety of events that bring all members of the family together. We have been a part of a Pancake Party, Teddy Bears Picnic and Remembrance Service to name just a few.

With it coming closer and closer to Christmas Day there are more events going on and two of these are my favourites that I look forward to each year; Carols by Candlelight and Christingle.

On Sunday the Boys and I attended the Carols by Candlelight. As many of my friends know, I love singing as loudly as I can, possibly not in tune, and more so Christmas carols!

 With coloured candles lining the path in to the Church it really set the mood; even more so when you saw inside. The mix of colours shinning through the church was breath-taking to walk in and see and it helped set the mood for all.

The Church was packed and with that you looked around and saw friends, family and new people standing side by side with their silhouette highlighted by a flickering candle. Quiet, peaceful, reflect but warm; just being there brought joy.

There were readings from passages and verses intermittently with the Carols and then a small talk centralising to why we were there.

Religious or not this time of year always brings the idea of being together with loved ones, family and friends, standing side by side with each other. The Carols by Candlelight always lifts me up in many ways. Classic carols sung by all and in such a beautiful setting.

The Boys loved it too and tried as hard as they could to join in with each song; despite being tired and almost falling asleep in the middle.

With drinks, mince pies and other cakes at the end for all to enjoy it definitely gave that community spirit that is always needed this time of year. This has just made me more excited of the Christingle Service there this Sunday and for spending more time with loved ones.

For us, well that's one of our traditions for this season done.

Do you attend any Carol or Christingle Services leading up to Christmas? Is it important to you to go?


Kim Carberry said...

Aww! It sounds like you all had a fantastic time!
I only go to church for my girls carol services and we were there last week. It was lovely....

Martyn Kitney said...

We really did Kim. Aw that's lovely. I think carol services are lovely. Especially with kids.

Through Ami's Eyes said...

I would love to do something like this with O when he's older. Teach him that Christmas is more than presents and Santa. There is a Methodist church literally 2 doors down from us that I go to a toddler group in sometimes so I suppose I could ask them about their Christmas schedule. Feel like a bit of a fraud though as I don't attend every week xx

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Ami. That's my aim. I'd like teh boys to know tht there's more to Christmas and to have a centralised reason for it too. Do if you can. This year is great for events that are for families. I don't think it matters if you don't go every week. Just going once and I'm sure you'll be welcomed with joy.