Wednesday 2 December 2015

Ten Things I'm Looking forward to in December

We’ve now entered winter and with that the start of December.
I will be honest and say that I dislike winter and a lot of things around December and Christmas.

With this in mind I thought that it might be a good idea to write a list of the Ten Things I am looking forward to this month.

1. Advent
We take part in slightly different traditions this time of year for a range of reasons. When it comes to Advent we don’t do a lot with Calendars, despite the fact that the boys do have one little one each, instead we have an Advent candle. Although I don’t mention it a lot the Boys and I are “religious” and because of that we attend church regularly throughout the week and take part in various Christian acts.  Each day the candle is lit and we remember the reasons to why we celebrate Christmas, including the things we are thankful for.

2. Elfie’s Letters

These letters are new aspect of our run up to Christmas. These letters are fantastic and make a great alternative to a chocolate calendar. Promoting fun and magic, excitement and with that an addition to helping children read.  For me, I cannot wait to see the excitement on the Boys face and allow the magic unfold.

3. Charity

This is something I have done and taken part in since I was a teenager; now something the boys and I do together. I choose a form of charity to support this time of year, something that we can be hands on with. Previous years I have taken part in food drives, working in homeless kitchens, and collecting, organising and distributing clothes to the cold, homeless or needy. The reason I look forward to this is simple: Helping others in a time where people consume and focus inwardly means that there is more need now to remember those who need help.

4. Christingle

Another church related activity and something that we have done for many years now. Making and learning about each part of the Christingle is not only fun but shows the different aspects we should remember at this time of year.

5. Window Painting

This activity is actually one of my favourites!

Using acrylic paints (and therefore easy to wash off) I, with the help of the Boys, paint a Christmas theme. Obviously because we moved this year we will need to come up with a design that fits our front windows.

6. Crafts

I am not sure if this is just the inner child in me, the inner teacher or a combination of both but I love craft work this time of year. There are always so many different ideas floating around social media to help you to be inspired to get messy and have some fun.

7. Rotary Club Santa

From a child to an adult and then to a parent I have ALWAYS enjoyed and looked forward to seeing the Santa that goes around the towns organised by the Rotary Club.  Having these people make a little bit of magic out of their own time is always a great thing but more so that everyone, young or old, enjoys seeing this!

8. Carols by Candlelight

Although I might not be one to have Christmas songs on this time of year there is something enjoyable about the classic carols that warms my heart. Add the joyful singing to the ambience of a church lit by candles, surrounded by people standing side by side for the same reason makes this one of my favourite things to do.

9. Food

 I think we all know now that I LOVE my food and despite my slim build there is a secret fat person living inside me. With this the season’s food can’t be something that I miss out on. Warm and hearty soups, stews and casseroles in the slow cooker, homemade stuffing with my secret recipe and joined with a variety of family and friends makes food a critical part of this time of year.

10. Personalised Gift

Every year of the Boys life they have received one gift from me that I have made myself. Last year it was a massive painting of characters from the Lego Movie (A film that at the time both boys were obsessed about) I love making these types of gifts as, for me at least, they show the relationship between the boys and myself and with that leave a keep sake for the boys when they are older.


Mark Richards said...

Tradition in a family is one of the best things about Xmas. I always watch the CD of the last junior school on Xmas Eve - youngest son was Scrooge: love that. And we always write clues on the Xmas presents - a legacy from my Dad. What do I miss now they're older? Taking them carol singing - and reading 'The Night Before Xmas' to them. All the best for Xmas Martyn

Martyn Kitney said...

Ah these all sound great. Love how family traditions are so different makes them even more special! You too!