Monday 14 March 2016

Week 5 #40DayBloggingChallenge

We are now half way through my Lent Challenge and so far it is going really well.

I am finding that each week is getting easier whilst I work through a particular theme. This weeks theme was highlighting the Dad bloggers that are in the community.

Day 23

I started the week with my fellow lent challenge friend Alan aka OMGitsagirl2015 who blogs at Life with Baby Pink and the Boys. Alan is one of those bloggers that is great to follow and have on social media! He is often caught retweeting, sharing and commenting; who doesn't want to feel appreciated? Over on his blog he writes about a range of topics that cover the ins and outs of parenting life of both a Stepdad to boys and Dad to baby pink.

The featured post from Alan is on breastfeeding and a dads eye view. It is a candid post on what can be a difficult topic to write on.

Day 24

This day features John from Dad you Geek. Gadget mad dad, as you name would indicate, and anything technology based and he's there. You will find that he writes posts on the latest gadgets or technologies as well as varied posts on parenting his two girls, recipes (the pulled pork post looks delicious!) and topics in between.

The featured post from John asks if your children are ignoring the social media age limit. Interesting post and something that I have at the back of my mind for when they boys get older.

Day 25

This day featured John from Dad Blog UK. John is a fellow sahd who I have a lot of respect for not only for being on the Daddy Track with me but the way he uses his blog and understanding to discuss important issues regarding gender and equalities. Although you will find him writing about these important points you will also find varied posts from politics, parenting his 2 girls, home improvement and even fashion.

The featured post from John is about parents evening and what your views are on it. I found this post interesting from both a teachers point of view and as a parent.

Day 26

On this day I featured @theyorkshiredad from The Yorkshire Dad. Dad of 2 children who is writing his way through fatherhood, family life, sport and helpful guides. Like most of the Dads featured he wont just be writing about one topic so there is definitely more to discover. He is one of the nicest guys to chat to and this comes through both in his writing as well as his social media.

The featured post is a guide to help ease constipation in toddlers. A good guide to help anyone with it; it really isn't fun for an adult let alone a child so this is great.

Day 27

The final day featured Al from The Dad Network. I couldn't really feature dad bloggers without mentioning Al. Founder of The Dad Network that supports a high selection dads discussing "everything dad" related as well as the extension for Mums he also runs both the Dad Network blogging group for dads and the other for parents. If you didn't think he was busy enough doing all of these as well as working full time you would be wrong! He is also part of the Dad Channel vloggers.

The featured post is an informative one giving a guide of 5 safe driving tips for dad. Important read, especially for new fathers.

As you have probably noticed I am one day short this week. This is due to the horrible sicknesses that have been floating round and knocked me out for a day; I will try hard to include an extra one this coming week.

As always, I hope you enjoyed the bloggers featured and that you explore some of their blogs as well as the posts listed.

If you have missed previous weeks you can find them below.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

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