Thursday, 28 April 2016

Adding Commentluv to Blogger

There has always been a debate amongst bloggers as to which platform to use, Wordpress or Blogger. They both have their pros and cons but more often than not you see people moving from Blogger over to Wordpress.
There is no doubt that Wordpress can offer a wider range that Blogger but I still see many people, like myself, using Blogger.

I am slowly building a new Wordpress site but am doing it all independently and within that, being the perfectionist I am, waiting until it is ready to launch.
For some time now I have been making the odd tweaks here and there and improving my Blogger site to be more accessible as well as visually appealing.

One issue I found frustrating was the comment section.
Within a Wordpress blog you can get a plugin to allow commentluv to be the main comment platform. This has massive perks and for different reasons.

Commentluv provides readers the option to leave a link as part of their comment. In most cases it can give you the option to leave your latest blog but in some cases you can choose from 10 posts.
This is great because, potentially, it can allow your other readers the opportunity to click on that post and have a read. This should then promote better community connections by encouraging others to read and discover new posts/blogger.

This also contributes to your Moz ranking as discoverable links and to ranking charts like Tots100.
I was lucky last month to get an insight into my Tots metrics which shows some good explanation into how the links can benefit you as a blogger.

 Inbound Links 71 (4,899)
New Links this month 0 (443)

The first number is my score when the latter, bracted number, is someone in the top 20.
What this suggests to the team was this:

“Your site has fewer backlinks than the top ranked sites in the community, and you're accruing fewer new links each month.
If I was to give you some advice, I'd focus on building links in to your site from other sites, and ensuring your site is being properly indexed by Google so those links are picked up (eg by creating a sitemap which is regularly updated). Those links will also drive up your MozRank.”

I know that I have been joining in with linkys and that I comment on more than 71 posts a month. Yet, in commenting, I only encounter a small percentage where I can leave a link. The New links will also show that I am getting zero impressions left at mine.
Commentluv would obviously help rectify this.

With Blogger not being able to support simple plugin as its sister platform can then this can leave many people struggling. However, there is a way!
1. Sign up to IntenseDebate
First you need to open Intensedebate site and create an account; this is a simple thing to do, you just need to click on sign up.

Next you just need to register your details with them by filling in the form that is presented.

Once you have done this then click on submit and then on the activation link that they send you in your email. Just make sure to tick the option that appears saying “I want to install IntenseDebate on my blog or website”.

 2. Adding you Blog!

If you have done all this then you now need to login into your IntenseDebate account.

At the top you will see a section go for “Sites > Add Blog/Site”

Then add your blogspot blog URL and click on “Next Step“.

3. Choosing your sites Platform

Now select the Blogger platform “Choose Platform” then go to Last step
At this point you just need to follow the instructions to install this plugin in the blog.  I would recommend here to tick mark on “All new posts”. I tried to tick “All posts” and it erases the google blogger comments and puts you at a plain comment box. I felt that if I was promoting older posts that it would be good to see the comments previously posted.

4. Download and Backup your Blog 
Now go to the Blogger dashboard, download your blogger template in “.XML” format from “Backup/Restore” which you will find here.


Download blogger template and head back to intensedebate site. I would recommend when saving the template to do it something like desktop so it is easy to find and then choose to upload.
5. Uploading your template

In this step upload the blogger template by clicking “Choose file” selection. Then click on “Upload file and continue” it.

Now you will redirect to below given screen.

You will be given an option to copy the modified blogger template code now so click and head back to your blog template.
6. Adding the new code

Go to your blogger profile and then go to Template and Edit html.

Select original code of your template by pressing Ctrl + A and replace it with code you copied in the previous stage. This code is not going to damage your original template code so really don’t worry!

Once you have done this you then click “Save template”.
Once done you go back to the other site and click on the link which says “Configure this IntenseDebate account”. Then click on Activate to active the CommentLuv plugin.

Now, you won’t necessarily see an instant change.

The change has happened and there are 2 ways to find out:

1. If you have a post with no comments then you can see the change there.


2. Write up a new post.

Once there is a published post with no previous comments you will see the commentluv box.

It might seem a little complicated but the above run through should help and you will realise that it is more straightforward than you think!


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