Thursday 18 May 2017

My Little Chef - Vegetable Lasagne

Following our involvement with Innocent and GiY #SowandGrowUK campaign we have been trying to create more recipes using more vegetables. William found so many recipes and following that he has a list that he wants to work through.
On top of that we are always asked by Natalie to feature more vegetarian dished for her to try so William decided that not only would he match the campaign, our current home ed topic of pasta and creating something for Natalie that he would like to make vegetable lasagne.

4 Medium Carrots
3 Onions
 2 Medium Parsnips
 3 Aubergine
 2 Courgette
3 Peppers
 1 can Chopped Tomatoes
Pasta sheets
Cheese Sauce
100g Flour
1.5 Pints of Milk
500g Cheese
Cutting Board
Large Saucepan
 Roasting tin
Deep dish

William started by peeling the carrots and then cutting them into chunks.
William then did the same with the parsnips. He then placed both the carrots and the parsnips into the roasting pan.
William then sliced the peppers and the onions into strips and added them to the pan.
He then cut and cubed the aubergine and added them to the rest of the vegetables.
He then sprinkled the cut vegetables and placed them in the oven to roast at 180c for 30 minutes.
Whilst the rest of the vegetables were roasting William sliced the courgettes and then lightly fried them until the turned golden brown.
Next William started to make the cheese sauce.

He measured out 100g of corn flour.
He then added 1 and a half pints of milk to a saucepan on a medium heat and slowly added the flour whilst whisking and mixing the 2 together. Once the sauce started to thicken he added 200g of grated cheese.
With everything cooked and ready William then layered the deep dish with his ingredients. He started off by ladling the roasted vegetables to cover the base.

William then placed a small layer of the cheese sauce over to cover.

Then covered with grated cheese.

He then added a layer of pasta sheets to complete the first level.
He then added a layer of courgettes and then repeated the above layering steps to create the second level.
To top the layer he added a can of chopped tomatoes to over the whole layer.

To finish the lasagne off he topped with pasta sheets, ladled the remaining cheese sauce over the sheets and then topped with cheese.
He then placed it in the over for 40 minutes until the cheese had gone golden.

With the lasagne cooked it was time to serve.

This is quite a complicated dish with prepping the ingredients and how to individually cook them. It can be quite time consuming but, if you have the time, it is great to have something focused on. (In the same way the Chicken lasagne)
Getting back to eating vegetables and finding ways to include them in our diet more has definitely helped. The dish tasted delicious we all enjoyed it so the time spent was definitely worthwhile.
What do you think? Would you try this?  



Plutonium Sox said...

A whole blog post written just for me. Thanks! I'll definitely be making this. And what a relief William knows how to make lasagne, I dread to think what it would have ended up like if you'd been left to your own devices!

Unknown said...

Lovely recipes and such a clever little chef! Of he can do it so can I, I shall buy the ingredients it looks delicious!