Tuesday 18 August 2015

What would you do with 24 hours of Free time?

One of the biggest difficulties with having a Dependant Personality Disorder is the alone time.
D.P.D plays on the fact that you are isolated and alone and that ultimately this is where you will stay and that seeking any human contact (Friendships or Relationships) seems utterly pointless because surely you are worthless.

This aspect is something that I specifically struggle with.
When I have the boys I am focused and know exactly what to do and who I am; I am their Dad and they need me to be their dependable person and I focus fully on what I need to do for them. However, when it comes to the evenings and days that I don’t have them I seriously struggle.

So I have the Boys for half of the week, of which they head back to their Mums Wednesday evening. So what do I do with the rest of the week?
Thursdays and Saturdays are usually spent teaching the Piano and Guitar. Like the time with the boys I am usually ok. I may have small flare ups but it is usually minimal; ultimately on these days I am in “Teacher Mode”.

This then leaves Friday.
I make sure there is at least one day of the week where I don’t have the boys and I don’t work. This is great for my Muscular Dystrophy but I find that I am at a loss of what to do with myself. Most of the day is spent trying to focus on blogging, either writing or reading posts. Yet, I massively struggle on these days.

Since my recent D.P.D flare up I have been trying to practice a level of Mindfulness as well as Self-care (Something I hope to write about soon) The main concept is that you do something that is just for you, something that gives you positive regard and subsequently reinforces the feeling of self-worth; rather than depending on activities that are destructive, like drinking.
I have very few things that do this. I will usually read or watch a film, try and find time to do one of my detailed drawings or even sit and play the piano. These activities are great but they don’t seem to fully stop the struggle that I have on Fridays.

Last week though I posed a question for you all: What would you do?
The premise on this is that you have 24 hours free with no responsibilities of worries and can do whatever you like just for you. The results were quite interesting:

1. Sleep
This was the most answered suggestion. I think that as parents we can all relate to the lack of sleep coupled with the busy lives we live. Sleep is definitely required!

2. Food
This was the second most popular. This ranged from going out for a nice meal and fine dining to pigging out in a café or getting a takeaway. I think that, again, is something definitely needed!

3. Physical Activities
Interestingly these all varied but they all had the common theme, exercise. People suggested going swimming, running or even just to the gym. I suppose as a parent time to do this is extremely limited.

The next suggestions all varied. Some wanted to spend the day reading, painting, watching films or box sets or even do some gardening. The most common theme found though was the quiet and relaxing environment to do these things.
Interestingly the top three suggestions are what most people would be recommended for a healthy life and a healthy mind.

The other key factor seemed to be peace and quiet. I suppose the logic here is that a peaceful environment means a peaceful mind.
I definitely try to do these things but then that just leaves what to do with the rest of my 24 hours. Some activities seem tedious and feel slightly superficial. (Doing something for the sake of it rather than sitting and wallowing) I also know though that I am not the only one to feel like this so I also know that it isn’t necessarily a D.P.D thing.

So although I will continue to delve into activities that promote self-care I think I will also be looking at new activities or projects to do; something that will give me focus and drive in  the empty places.
So my question still stands the same:

If you had 24 hours free with no responsibilities or worries, what would you do? I would love to know!


Plutonium Sox said...

Sorry Martyn, whichever way you dress it up, if it's my 24 hours I'm going to sleep ;) Great post though and I hope you find something amazing to do. I know it's a bit arse about face because you're looking to do something for you, but how about volunteering, like taking your music to an old people's home for the afternoon and getting involved with a sing song or something?

Martyn Kitney said...

Haha sleep is definitely very well sought after!
I use to volunteer at an old people's home and play old classic songs. But they seem to want it on a Sunday when family visits and that doesn't fit with the boys. I also volunteered in a secondhand bookshop for my love of books but the shop eventually closed. Although did enjoy that. Some good suggestions though!

Unknown said...

An uninterrupted night's sleep, a lie in, a morning in bed reading, and afternoon socializing somewhere which didn't allow kids, a movie at the cinema and then retiring early with my book. Sounds lush.


Luke Strickland said...

A good question Martyn! I would aim to do a mix of things: spending time on the allotment, doing some woodwork in the workshop, playing some instruments, going for a run, doing some writing and blogging... but depending how motivated I am I might just spend the whole time eating junk food and watching Netflix! I'm at my best when my family are around, even if they're not involved in the activities I'm doing. When I'm completely alone I also struggle with filling my time well sometimes... Thought provoking post! #bigfatlinky

Unknown said...

I can imagine it's tricky for you Martyn if you have a lot going on in your mind so we would see it differently. I'd sleep, watch catchup TV, gym, blog, scrapbook, cinema. House jobs. Think there would always be something :-) xx #bigfatlinky

helloarchie.blue said...

I feel for you, I can't imagine even 24 hours without my little man bounding about the place, but I think I'd read alot and pamper myself but I guess you're not into manicures and fake tans?? #bigfatlinky

JOhn Adams said...

24 hours without any responsibilities?? It would do my head in. Although I can tell you exactly what I'd do at this point in time...the paperwork for my impending tax return. Sexy, yeah? #BigFatLinky

Unknown said...

Great post. I, like you, find it hard to do little and I always like to keep busy. A whole 24 hours... Oooh. A lie in would feature heavily, the gym, blogging, slap up lunch somewhere, read a book, a massage/pampering, Walk in the countryside, watch TV. I'm always surprised at how quickly time goes on my days off so I probably wouldn't be able to cram half of that in. 24 hours really is a luxury when you are a parent! All the best xx #bigfatlinky

Somerset Craft Workshops said...

24 whole hours!! Wow... The proposition is just too enormous to imagine!! I think I would sleep A LOT, bake eat the yummy cake all on my own, garden and get out with the dogs/ponies... Ooooo now I think of it, I like this idea! Now where to send the hubby and kids?!

Mummy Fever said...

24 hours without any responsibilities .... oh my word, I would no doubt spend a few hours thinking that there must have been a mistake. I'd spend 4 or 5 hours exercising, i'd have a long bath, followed by a long shower, I'd paint my nails, i'd write, I might do a bit more exercise and i'd do all the things that are so much easier with two hands. Can you tell i'm dreaming? #bigfatlinky

Unknown said...

Oooo...this would need a lot of thought as i wouldn't want to waste any precious time. Probably have a lie in, go out for lunch by myself, catch up on some youtube, have a hot cup of tea..the possibilities are endless!! :-) #bigfatlinky

jeremy@thirstydaddy said...

I think I'd catch up on movies that my wife doesn't want to see. Our alone time is pretty limited so I always rent stuff for the both of us to watch.

Nigel said...

Great post Martyn I have to be honest it's got to be sleep in between Xbox thanks for hosting

Michelle said...

For me, I'd take a road trip. I love driving and I love road trips and If I had a whole 24 hours without my boys and without anything else to do, I would take a road trip. Just me in my car with my music turned up, windows down and I'd pick a destination and think about what I'm going to do at that destination and what sights I will see. I live in Massachusetts and I've been to Salem but I loved it so much that I would go again. I would drive to Boston too. I would also drive to New York or Cape Cod. If I didn't do that though and i had a lot on my mind that I couldn't stop thinking about, Xbox helps me get my mind off of things. Hope this helps. thanks for sharing with #thebigfatlinkyoftheweek

Unknown said...

Interesting post. I'm not sure. I think I would maybe run. Probably get coffee. Catch up on tv programmes I record but never watch. Maybe do some art. #bigfatlinky

Tubbs said...

Your dream weekend sounds like my dream weekend! Enjoy the dream! bigfatlinky

Unknown said...

I'd learn to pot!! I would fill the time as I have so many things I want to do BUT I do know that too much time at the wrong time can be very tricky. x

Life With Three, By Me said...

Catch up on sleep, uninterrupted, with a lie in. Then I'd catch up with all house work and spring clean the house from top to bottom - something I don't get chance to do in one day surrounded by kids! Boring, but something ive wanted to do for a while! #myfirstbigfatlinky!

Unknown said...

I'll sleep when my kids become teenagers. For me 24 free hours = Night out with my wife and friends followed by a full day nursing the hangover. Great post. #Bigfatlinky

Cuddle Fairy said...

I agree Mama & Mrs. Tubbs - I'd love the same 24hrs. I'd probably throw some blogging in the mix too ;) It can't be easy Martyn, but you are doing well to keep busy & positive. Thanks for hosting #bigfatlinky

Anita Cleare said...

Such an interesting insight! Thanks for sharing x #bigfatlinky

Alison said...

For me, I'd just like the peace and quiet, time to myself, time to read and pop to a cafe without any kids in tow. The very thought of it is bliss. #bigfatlinky

Random Musings said...

Would be nice to get outside, get some fresh air and just people watch :) Thanks for hosting #bigfatlinky

West Country Dad said...

I'd probably sleep, read and bake (and make some kind of Man vs Food style sandwich)