Thursday, 10 December 2015

Being a Rubbish Blogger!

There was a time when I felt that I was completely on top of this “blogging” thing that I worked so hard towards for months upon months; now though I feel a bit of a rubbish blogger!

Well a lot of things have been going on and it has all added up to make blogging harder.
Back in July, as many of you know, my D.P.D was triggered and flared up massively. This was down to a couple of things:

My relationship breakdown and ending, with that the horrible period after.

Also that month I moved house into my new adapted flat. This, of course, was a good thing to happen but when you put into the fact that I have D.P.D and one of the disorders key points is isolation then you realise that moving property to be by myself triggered me further.
When my Mental Health flares up I tend to hide away from social interactions, personal or online, and try to sort myself out, for myself and the boys, and get better.

At the same time, and up to a few weeks ago, I had one fellow blogger decide to share nearly every post I wrote across social media, openly mocking or insulting me and what I had written. I don’t know why they decided to do it, I suppose they just didn’t like me and shows the more negative side of blogging.
All of this combined lead me to not writing as much and definitely limiting my Social Media activity.

This is such a big thing for a blogger. When you interact and form relationships online you are also inviting people to connect with you and your blog. Lose this and you are losing your readership.
My posts have been varied, inconsistent to the regular routine and fewer.

Between January and July every week I published 8 to 11 posts a week. Mad I know, but I was a writing machine. Now though, at best, I am writing 4 posts per week.
In this case it isn’t because I don’t have topic ideas! In truth I have a notepad that has over 30 potential posts to write but the problem lies where I just don’t get anytime; I have more problem with time than losing my Mojo.

The time frame and days with the Boys have changed and therefore there is less time for me to sit and get these ideas written out.  I also have more work.
I have taken on more Music lessons and now an extra night doing my quiz nights. With all this in mind I only have one day “off” now and if you know me and have been following the blog then you know how I have had to dedicate that to actually resting. If I didn’t have this day off then it would ripple on through to my D.P.D and my Muscular Dystrophy; understandably then writing is always difficult.

The next failure is probably the worst faux-pas a blogger could make.
I haven’t been reading other blogs!

Unless something catches my eye in the Facebook groups I haven’t spent any time reading others.
There was a point, like with the amount I was writing, where I was reading 60 to 80 posts per day; now at best 4!             

This had added fact that I wasn’t really taking part in any linky’s; barely one a week compared to 2 or 3 a day!
Reading, commenting and interacting on others blogs, as well as social media, is one of the leading ways to get readers so clearly that had a massive impact.

I know statistics are not everything to be concerned about but when you have dropped, like I have, from 800+ to 200+ a day (According to Google Analytics) It makes you think that something is wrong!
So for all the above reason you can agree that I am, and have been, a rubbish Blogger; a shadow of my blogging self.

The good part here is that I have been doing this for 5 years now, in one form or another, so I am fully aware of the blogging ups and down and also what to do and not do. So I will be back on it and probably sooner than before.
Even this week I have joined in a Linky a day and back to reading as much as possible.

Sometimes life just gets in the way and it is difficult to keep up the blog, especially to the extent that I was; it really was like another part time job.
Does anyone else just have life getting in the way where it affects what you do with your blogging?

How did you come back from it?


Gary Mathews said...

Who in the hell was mocking you? I'll blow them up online! Life happens don't get down on yourself for not being as active as you used to be. It's hard work reading a zillion blogs a day and interacting sometimes a break is good for the mind. Losing the mojo does suck though, I'm currently in the same boat :(.

Unknown said...

What Gary said - who on earth was mocking you??

Lucy Howard said...

As you know, lovely Martyn, I often have blogging breaks because life just gets in the way. I would love to blog more but just don't have the time. In my eyes, you are not a blogging failure at all. But you do put a lot of pressure on yourself. You are doing so much and you are amazing. You need to look after yourself and put yourself first. Even if that means only reading four posts a day. (Gosh, sometimes I only manage four a week). You are a fabulous blogger and I, for one, love your blog. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Hugs Mrs H xxxx PS. Whoever that nasty blogger was is not worth it. It says more about you then about them. I hope no one reads their blog!

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Gary! There's no point naming and shaming them. Best to rise above it. I just now add their comments to my spam and let them get on with it. If anything they're helping drive traffic my way, even if it's negative at times.

Definitely! Life gets in the way for the best of us. I think sometimes it's easy to let blogging slip. But the key is to come back to it and do little when you can. And don't you stop. You always have me in stitches!

Martyn Kitney said...

There's no point naming and shaming them! They're petty and rather pathetic. They did it with every post for about 6 weeks. Copied the link and shared it with some stupid tag link or Intro. In the end I just put their comments in spam and let them get on with it. The way o see it is that they're the sad ones and they were driving traffic my my even if it was negative. And they're a fairly known blogger with a larger following than me so can't be that bad! Lol

Martyn Kitney said...

That's true. And you do. Life definitely has a way of getting to you. How do you find coming back from it though? I'm lucky that I have my regular readers who always come back whatever I'm doing or writing. Which is fab. Thank you, and I think you might be right again, I do put a lot of pressure on myself. I am taking my days off though and resting when I need to; that's the important thing.
Thank you. I appreciate that o have other bloggers like you supporting me.

And exactly! I just ignore, put comments in spam and carry on. They're the ones with the issue not me!

Anonymous said...

Keep plugging away, Martyn. As you know, we all go through these peaks and troughs at times in our blogging lives. Personally I don't worry about it, and if that means I don't write anything meaningful for a week that's fine by me. Ultimately all that matters is how we feel about our writing and the interactions we have with family and friends. Everything else is a bonus.

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Tim. Yeah you're right. I suppose the difference with me this time is that it's taken me longer, probably due to finding time to adjust to my new schedule. I haven't worried too much up until now. Now I'm trying to climb back into its made me realise how much I've slipped with it.

I still love the blog of course and all that I write and do so I know that's the main thing. But equally want to get back to my height I was.

Plutonium Sox said...

Great post. I totally relate to the time issues and the mojo issues. What I can't understand is why another blogger would stoop so low as to hide behind their screen and troll you. It's cowardly, unacceptable bullying. There is no place for it anywhere, especially in the blogging community. I do hope it made them feel proud of themselves though because they must have some serious self esteem issues if that's what it takes to make them feel good about themselves.

Unknown said...

Love this attitude Martyn! I just love a but if drama :) wonder how people have time sometimes

Tanya said...

I can't believe someone would mock you, that's really mean. I'd like to get my views up, any tips and pointers welcome. I still feel very new to it.

Thismummylark said...

Why anyone should or would mock another blogger is beyond me. If you dont like the content you dont read it. Simple. As in posting less etc to be honest i would rather read 1 honest and heartfelt post in a week that be spammed by mindnumbing posts just for the sake of posting.

Bear and Cardigan said...

There's nasty people everywhere, they thrive on attention, just ignore them. I can't believe how much writing you did..or do! Wow! Really impressed. I find time to write 2 or 3 times a week but mostly spend my time time on Twitter with great bloggers xxx

Martyn Kitney said...

Thanks Nat. Glad you understand that and I'm not alone with it! No idea why though! Some people just have bigger problems than they make out!

Martyn Kitney said...

I think it's all part of the competitive blogging aspect. Being new is fun! It's the best part. Blogging for what you love to do and writing about what you want without any pressure. If you ever need any help always shout though, always around to lend a hand! :)

Martyn Kitney said...

That's my view on it too. But I guess some people just have to. That's so true. I think there's elements of reading bloggers posts where you can feel lost in it where they're just churning posts out. 1 can definitely be more powerful that 10.

Martyn Kitney said...

I tend to. I just delete the comment or put it in spam where it should be. I used to be able to do so much but I let it slip. I think the routine I had worked well to help keep me on track. I think it's ok to write less though I know I won't be writing the same amount again just because of time restraints. Being with blogger and socialising in places like twitter is great too!

Unknown said...

Why would anyone be so nasty-that I do not understand? I haven't been blogging long, so I'll offer my one cent worth but I think life and blogging is constant balancing act. I too have great plans of what I was going to do and not do but the reality is things do happen that may need our attention elsewhere, and whether that entails yourself needing time out for yourself or not. Sometimes we write more or less, read more or less but we're only human and what's more important is concentrating on enjoying the journey.

Martyn Kitney said...

I don't know. Some people just have problems!
I agree. It's definitely a balancing act. I'm pleased I'm not the only one either that this happens to. I do still enjoy doing it though and that's the main problem.

Martyn Kitney said...

Problem....silly phone...that's the main thing it should have said!