Sunday, 13 December 2015

Review - Santa Maria - Pulled Pork

Back in the Summer, and following Britmums, the Boys and I were lucky enough to be sent a Fajita Kit from Santa Maria.

William being "My Little Chef" thoroughly enjoyed taking on the challenge and creating his own style Fajita and showing what he would do with the ingredients. Being a family favourite of ours we have carried on using that recipe.

Recently we were contacted by the Santa Maria team to try their brand new Pulled Pork Kit. Of course, being the foodies that we are, we jumped at it.

(Image used from Santa Maria)

I had been waiting to use this product with the Boys and test it's family suitability but having rather busy lives at the moment I struggled to get round to it. Subsequently I was left staring at the mouth watering picture and it felt right to try it by myself first; with the idea to replicate it with the Boys soon!

Inside the box you will find a seasoning mix, red onion, BBQ sauce and 8 wraps.

Following the information provided on the packet I tore open the top of the seasoning mix to find a bag to cook the pork in. The lower half of the packet contained the seasoning.

Following the instructions again, I placed my small pork joint into the bag and emptied the seasoning over the pork. I then filled it with the amount of water suggested. Using the tie provided I sealed the top of the bag and mixed the ingredients together, rubbing it into the pork where possible. 

It is clearly stated on the packet that you have to make sure that the bag is not touching the sides of the oven; with heat provided the bag will expand.

Whilst the Pork cooked in the oven I started to make the rest of the contents I wanted.

Now, although the box and the Santa Maria site suggests different recipes to try I decided to do my own.

Leading up to Christmas I wanted to have an easy access but festive meal so decided that my extra ingredients would match!

I fried some Onions, Apples (with a touch of Cinnamon) and made a small batch of Stuffing. (Bought not homemade)

On completing these different pieces I used the Red Onion seasoning on the Onions that I had fried. (I totally get that I didn't use Red Onions but I didn't think that it would matter too much!)

90 minutes later and it was time to take the Pork out of the oven. Please be careful when opening and emptying the bag! It is hot and full of steam; you might be able to even see the heat coming off of the meat in the above picture.

I removed the meat from the juices and, using two forks, shredded and pulled the meat apart.

Here is where I diverted from the recommended instructions. (These are my actions and not suggested by Santa Maria.....although they should totally suggest this!)

The smell coming off of the Pork was magnificent and upon trying a small piece I can tell you it tasted as good as it smelt!

The seasoning mix added had such a great taste that I was completely and immediately smitten with it. Subsequently, this left me wondering what to do with the rich and delicious sauce that remained in the bowl after removing it from the bag! It was clearly to good to throw away!

I decided to not use the BBQ sauce provided (This did taste delicious by the way) instead I reduced down the juices and seasoning mix in a small saucepan and made a thick gravy.

With all the ingredients now together I placed the wraps in the microwave for 45 seconds. I then placed a small amount of each ingredient into the wrap and gently poured small amount of the gravy over the selection.

I, being rather greedy, repeated the process to make four individual wraps.

This was a delicious meal to have and to be honest it was far nicer than I expected! Using the provide ingredients, following the instructions meant that this could be a quick and easy meal for all of the family to enjoy.

My take on having a more festive wrap did take longer than what the advised suggestions recommended but I think it was totally worth it!

The real gem within this pack is definitely the Pork Seasoning Mix. I haven't tasted anything like it and it definitely added flavour to the meat as well as becoming a delicious gravy and sauce to accompany my meal.

With this in mind I really would recommend buying this kit for a family meal. My particular take on the ingredients and my recipe would definitely make a change to festive family dinners!

I loved this and I know I will definitely be buying more; that is unless Santa Maria would like to send me some more! (Cheeky request ;) )

For more of their products you can find them on their website or on Facebook.

(I was given this product for free to review. My opinions, and my greedy ways, are my own and I am under no obligations to give a positive review. I am clearly also under no obligation to following all of the instructions and all recipe ideas were my own. Please see my full disclosure at the bottom of my blog)

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