Thursday 25 August 2016

Preserving the Music

Over the last few weeks the boys and I have been enjoying the summer and travelling around to different places.

We have had trips to the beach, days out with the family, trips to blogging events and just seeing friends; all in all a great few weeks.

The one aspect that I have truly been enjoying is the time in the car.

The boys and I often play a game called “Daddy car” and we play with quite a lot enthusiasm. The game is simple; if you spot a car like Daddy you shout daddy car and earn one point and, as an extension, if you spot an exact one (blue) you get two points.  

It seems silly but we love it but the massive downside to it is the fact that it gets rather competitive and often ends in a few tears; that isn’t always the boys! ;)
However, this isn’t the aspect that I have mentioned above to enjoying! Once the arguments start of who saw what colour and who had how many points I resorted to turning the radio on and listening to new songs or something from my old playlists. From this point, and much to the dislike to the people travelling with us, the 3 of us burst into song and sing.

William is getting good at knowing the songs word for word; James is ready to dance like a lunatic until the chorus comes on because at that point he too will know the words.
The problem that I am now facing is that although we will still have our day trips out, our in house and regular Home School days will be starting back up soon and the little corner of silly musical fun will probably fade a bit; this is mostly down to not having any form or a sound system inside the flat.

I do have a set of laptop speakers that I use for my weekly quiz nights for the music round but other than that we don’t have any device at home to really have music pump out for us to have some silly singing fun. The speakers aren’t great quality and can only run off a laptop so at best I would only be able to listen to music from my online playlist.
Ideally I would be looking for something that offers the same features as in car system (CD player, radio stations, DAB and able to either connect a USB or pick up my playlists from my phone) or like the Panasonic CD Speakers which would also have the added bonus of being placed around the house and not in one specific space.

Whatever I find I think one thing is clear; I need to look for something to carry on this free enjoyment of singing and dancing around throughout our week rather than having it as just a joyful family summer memory.
What aspect are you going to miss when “normal” routine starts up again?

Have you embraced being silly over the summer?
Do you have any ideas how I can carry this on?

(This was a collaborative post. My opinions are my own and I am under no obligations to give a positive review. Please see my full disclosure at the bottom of my blog)

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